For Sale: "The Insider Code" series of CD-ROMS - Los Angeles

Hi. I'm selling an unopened set of "The Insider Code: Trading the Forex With an Unfair Advantage" CD-ROMs. I'm not interested in trading, but a roommate left these behind when she moved out (and skipped her rent!). Now, I'm trying to make back a little of what she owed me.

Here is the description from the company's website:

- Outsmart the Wall Street Fat Cats by discovering the secret to making money by trading with The Insider Code.

- Cash in on the FOREX market without any trading experience whatsoever or any knowledge about currency markets and how to trade them.

Normally sells for $1977 plus shipping + handling. I'm selling it for only $1500 OBO. The Insider Code - Trading the Forex With an Unfair Advantage

If interested, please email me at [email protected]. Los Angeles area only.

Thank you!