Football betting


Established member
It's any moons since I posted on T2W but, thought that my approach to footie trading may be useful to some. We've reached the end of the season and I've made a modest profit of 20%. I don't bet every Saturday but, limit my betting to those games that I feel are worth getting involved in.

My method is, usually, to bet on the correct score, either pre-kick off or, at half time, and trade out if I get into a 10% profit, or more, in any game. It's not foolproof but, it works OK. The "secret" (if there is one) is not to be greedy. Adding small, but regular profits does boost your account slowly but, surely. It's not foolproof but, overall, it works for me.
Follow Peter Webb on youtube.. He gives good advice on sports trading.

you can either decide if you want to invest in football shares or literally just bet through the bookies. if you bet through trade then this will be more long term and i would choose players that you think have not yet hit their prime or are in a team that you think will get promoted. If you decide to just bet through a bookmaker then i would come up with a strategy, such as pic one team and only bet when they are a certain odds i would do some research into it. The main idea here is try not to get too carried away and become an addict. you can find advice on this here or literally give yourself a cut off point if its ot working for you.