Fixed Odds & Binary Options Signals


Somewhat new to Binary Options trading, but not new to trading I really struggled to find a reliable, low-risk and honest Binary Options signal service to deal with. My struggle has been trying to REBUILD financially ~ following a series of poor investments with the real estate bubble burst.... back a few years.

Fast-forward to now, I'm sustaining financially by keeping afloat doing a bit of freelance editing work. Thinking of how to leverage MORE $$$ in a shorter time frame, trading currencies/commodities/stocks could hold potential. But who to trust??? As a divorced woman nearing "retirement age" and extensive research later... I realized I need to potentially (with LOW RISK) be able to earn at least $5K to $8K a month by trading ~ to eventually re-invest that to $15K to $20K monthly.

Trading commodities/derivatives and currencies I had some success, but needed more reliable guidelines from PROS ~ not ripoff artists LOSING signals and charging ridiculous fees. Right now I'm barely making enough to survive, but fortunately am on the road to ACHIEVE my goals of $8K monthly within 60 to 90 days... Since my hours are my own, the best Assets and Binary Trading options suited for my needs are to narrowly focus on RELIABLE, HONEST, PROFESSIONAL signals.. Not that I need others to think for me, but even surgeons rely upon a professional TEAM.

Found a great resource!! These guys actually PERSONALLY answer your questions, and not with some auto-responder! Also??? They bounced off excellent trading ideas suited for my personal situation, with their EBOT alerts... I can tell you FIRST-HAND, these signals on my trial basis, WHICH I TRADED in real time! worked beautifully!!! I can PROVE the wins, because I tracked in my record statements from my broker. Trust and believe I have NO time for games, and zero tolerance for so-called "signals" that really are only making their money off affiliate broker nonsense. My time IS money (as a writer/editor in my day job).

So far? Before my eyes had 5 consecutive winners Just to name a couple... won on the USD/JPY bull trade Aug 22, 2014, won on USD/CHF bull trade Aug 26, 2014. What I love about the TAPs EOD-EBOTS program is the customization and guidance to my TIME, and realistically accessible Binary Option assets to trade. OH? And I did not have to wait forever, the signals come in BEAUTIFULLY, with a "heads-up" kind of pre-alert to the REAL ALERT, then? The real alert, and entry point & directions... works great. Okay obviously every trade won't win ~ or everybody would be doing this... So far, 100% wins. Yet even if it evens out to 80% wins, I can and will earn steady profits... so guys (and gals) check them out. I found them while surfing and I am a very good researcher. It's what I do for a living.

Peace, out!
Somewhat new to Binary Options trading, but not new to trading I really struggled to find a reliable, low-risk and honest Binary Options signal service to deal with. My struggle has been trying to REBUILD financially ~ following a series of poor investments with the real estate bubble burst.... back a few years.

Fast-forward to now, I'm sustaining financially by keeping afloat doing a bit of freelance editing work. Thinking of how to leverage MORE $$$ in a shorter time frame, trading currencies/commodities/stocks could hold potential. But who to trust??? As a divorced woman nearing "retirement age" and extensive research later... I realized I need to potentially (with LOW RISK) be able to earn at least $5K to $8K a month by trading ~ to eventually re-invest that to $15K to $20K monthly.

Trading commodities/derivatives and currencies I had some success, but needed more reliable guidelines from PROS ~ not ripoff artists LOSING signals and charging ridiculous fees. Right now I'm barely making enough to survive, but fortunately am on the road to ACHIEVE my goals of $8K monthly within 60 to 90 days... Since my hours are my own, the best Assets and Binary Trading options suited for my needs are to narrowly focus on RELIABLE, HONEST, PROFESSIONAL signals.. Not that I need others to think for me, but even surgeons rely upon a professional TEAM.

Found a great resource!! These guys actually PERSONALLY answer your questions, and not with some auto-responder! Also??? They bounced off excellent trading ideas suited for my personal situation, with their EBOT alerts... I can tell you FIRST-HAND, these signals on my trial basis, WHICH I TRADED in real time! worked beautifully!!! I can PROVE the wins, because I tracked in my record statements from my broker. Trust and believe I have NO time for games, and zero tolerance for so-called "signals" that really are only making their money off affiliate broker nonsense. My time IS money (as a writer/editor in my day job).

So far? Before my eyes had 5 consecutive winners Just to name a couple... won on the USD/JPY bull trade Aug 22, 2014, won on USD/CHF bull trade Aug 26, 2014. What I love about the TAPs EOD-EBOTS program is the customization and guidance to my TIME, and realistically accessible Binary Option assets to trade. OH? And I did not have to wait forever, the signals come in BEAUTIFULLY, with a "heads-up" kind of pre-alert to the REAL ALERT, then? The real alert, and entry point & directions... works great. Okay obviously every trade won't win ~ or everybody would be doing this... So far, 100% wins. Yet even if it evens out to 80% wins, I can and will earn steady profits... so guys (and gals) check them out. I found them while surfing and I am a very good researcher. It's what I do for a living.

Peace, out!

Hi, smokefree,

Welcome to the T2W community! Glad to hear you are focused on building up monthly profits of $5k-$8k first. Hopefully all of your transitioning actions and efforts can build up true Risk Capital for full-time trading profits.

Remember - "scared money cannot win" over the long-term! :whistling

But - trading binary options require a winning % rate > 60% to net out profits. 😎

So always measure and re-evaluate your service's results and net profitability after every 10-20 closed trades! 👍

Also, couple of other brief suggestions when trading binary options:

(1) Never accept BONUS matching deposit funds from binary brokers! It will tie up your trading capital - so that even if profitable, you will NOT be able to withdraw your profits until your account has traded/turned over by 30x (or 3000%) of your starting bankroll! :whistling 👎

(2) With binary options - you must expect to be able to do Re-Entry trades at least 2 or 3 times into a setup! So keep each bet small! Risk < 2% per bet.

(3) Hopefully - after 10 or 20 CLOSED TRADES with profits in the account - be sure to execute an ACCOUNT WITHDRAWAL of the closed profits! Test out your binary trading firm's withdrawal procedures! Have them wire the profits back to your bank account. Do this every 10-20 closed trades (if profitable hopefully) UNTIL you have withdrawn > initial deposit at that trading firm!

Then you will be truly trading on closed profit capital! :clap::clap:

Good luck with trading binary options. Personally I trade it very frequently (please see my Binary Options threads on Nadex and Eurostyle binary options at the Home Trader main thread) and enjoy its tremendous flexibility of assets to select from, and the numerous Expiry schedules available to fit my own trading schedules!

Keep us updated please. I hope to hear more from you about your ongoing binary trading results as you begin to build up serious bankroll to get to your lofty monthly targets! 👍


Hi, smokefree,

Welcome to the T2W community! Glad to hear you are focused on building up monthly profits of $5k-$8k first. Hopefully all of your transitioning actions and efforts can build up true Risk Capital for full-time trading profits.

Remember - "scared money cannot win" over the long-term! :whistling

But - trading binary options require a winning % rate > 60% to net out profits. 😎

So always measure and re-evaluate your service's results and net profitability after every 10-20 closed trades! 👍

Also, couple of other brief suggestions when trading binary options:

(1) Never accept BONUS matching deposit funds from binary brokers! It will tie up your trading capital - so that even if profitable, you will NOT be able to withdraw your profits until your account has traded/turned over by 30x (or 3000%) of your starting bankroll! :whistling 👎

(2) With binary options - you must expect to be able to do Re-Entry trades at least 2 or 3 times into a setup! So keep each bet small! Risk < 2% per bet.

(3) Hopefully - after 10 or 20 CLOSED TRADES with profits in the account - be sure to execute an ACCOUNT WITHDRAWAL of the closed profits! Test out your binary trading firm's withdrawal procedures! Have them wire the profits back to your bank account. Do this every 10-20 closed trades (if profitable hopefully) UNTIL you have withdrawn > initial deposit at that trading firm!

Then you will be truly trading on closed profit capital! :clap::clap:

Good luck with trading binary options. Personally I trade it very frequently (please see my Binary Options threads on Nadex and Eurostyle binary options at the Home Trader main thread) and enjoy its tremendous flexibility of assets to select from, and the numerous Expiry schedules available to fit my own trading schedules!

Keep us updated please. I hope to hear more from you about your ongoing binary trading results as you begin to build up serious bankroll to get to your lofty monthly targets! 👍



Thank you! Great advice ~ will keep all posted as the scenario progresses...

Thanks for sharing your experiences with that signal provider.
I`m looking for reliable binary options trading signals (and forex ones too) and doing a Google search on the "TAPs EOD-EBOTS program" you mentioned didn`t give me any results. Could you please point me to the source?

Thank you.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with that signal provider.
I`m looking for reliable binary options trading signals (and forex ones too) and doing a Google search on the "TAPs EOD-EBOTS program" you mentioned didn`t give me any results. Could you please point me to the source?

Thank you.

Yes it would be my pleasure to do that ~ is there a way you might email me personally? I just prefer not to give out the Director's personal email without his permission... And I have not been able to reach him today yet.

And I myself have been quite busy at my "day" job 🙄

Please let me knowThanks!
For Fenikkusu!!


Thanks for sharing your experiences with that signal provider.
I`m looking for reliable binary options trading signals (and forex ones too) and doing a Google search on the "TAPs EOD-EBOTS program" you mentioned didn`t give me any results. Could you please point me to the source?

Thank you.

Fennikkusu ~ here is the information as follows: The EOD-EBOTS service is run by TradingActionPatterns group (TAPs).It is mainly for active binary traders, based on a monthly subscription service: CONTACT them directly= [email protected]:smart:
Have a great day! 👍😉
Fennikkusu ~ here is the information as follows: The EOD-EBOTS service is run by TradingActionPatterns group (TAPs).It is mainly for active binary traders, based on a monthly subscription service: CONTACT them directly= [email protected]:smart:
Have a great day! 👍😉

Hi Smokefree,

Thanks for getting back to me with the answer.
I`m looking for trusted, reliable, consistently dependable signal services and the way I assess this is by checking the feedback that people give about them on forums. Googling your service provider I couldn`t find such information so I`ll not be so brave as to try them out without a large number of people actually stating they are okay.

The ones I`ve found after doing some very thorough research, and that seem to be reliable are these:

Also, Greg Sacker gives a Forex training course for about £2k where he teaches 4 trading strategies and provides 1-on-1 coaching among other things. For those who have completed his training he provides a monthly subscription-based signal service with signals that have about an 80% accuracy.

If you have about £3k funds, you can start using one of these trusted binary options signals and be profitable from day one, allowing you to leave your day job straight away. That`s where I am heading to.

Have a good day! 🙂
Hi Smokefree,

Thanks for getting back to me with the answer.
I`m looking for trusted, reliable, consistently dependable signal services and the way I assess this is by checking the feedback that people give about them on forums. Googling your service provider I couldn`t find such information so I`ll not be so brave as to try them out without a large number of people actually stating they are okay.

The ones I`ve found after doing some very thorough research, and that seem to be reliable are these:

Also, Greg Sacker gives a Forex training course for about £2k where he teaches 4 trading strategies and provides 1-on-1 coaching among other things. For those who have completed his training he provides a monthly subscription-based signal service with signals that have about an 80% accuracy.

If you have about £3k funds, you can start using one of these trusted binary options signals and be profitable from day one, allowing you to leave your day job straight away. That`s where I am heading to.

Have a good day! 🙂

😀 I hear you loud and clear... we need options, when it comes to foraging fruitful paths to success in binary options trading.. Go for what you know, man. At the end of the day ~ you gotta do what's best for you. Personally? I like the individual attention, and response you get from a real human being...

You have a contact email now, balls in your court. Or? Do whatever, just be happy and make the best of profits... Best regards, there! 😎

P.S. Also? I hear what you're saying about being about to "Google" a 'large crowd' (I do that too) ... But Enron had a large crowd of "believers" ... Just saying
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😀 I hear you loud and clear... we need options, when it comes to foraging fruitful paths to success in binary options trading.. Go for what you know, man. At the end of the day ~ you gotta do what's best for you. Personally? I like the individual attention, and response you get from a real human being...

You have a contact email now, balls in your court. Or? Do whatever, just be happy and make the best of profits... Best regards, there! 😎

P.S. Also? I hear what you're saying about being about to "Google" a 'large crowd' (I do that too) ... But Enron had a large crowd of "believers" ... Just saying

It`s not "options" that I need but just one proven signal provider I can fully trust with my life savings (and I believe I`ve already got more, than one of these, though always looking for backup ones) while being fully aware that spending my money on trading is 100% my responsibility. So it`s certainty, safety and a peace of mind I need that enables me to focus on actually learning how to trade like a pro, over a few decades. Until then I still want to make massive profits from the very beginning as I have got some very clear goals I don`t just want, but absolutely need to reach in a short time frame.

Right now I want to rely on trusted signal service providers to make trading a successful venture for me without the immediate need for personal coaching. When I`ll decide I need that, Greg can give me 1-on-1 personal coaching and in one of the 4 reviewed signal services I linked in you actually get to see a pro making and explaining the trades he makes real time in front of you as you are watching the streaming video, so you are basically receiving coaching. And if you have a trading strategy you don`t want to fiddle with it based on what you know about trading, however strong the urge of the ego is to do so. Success in trading might be more about surrendering your need to prove anything, and about commitment and clarity than anything else, though I can`t really know yet. I can recognize psychological patterns anywhere regardless of my experience in the given field.

"Google it" is always in quotes in my book, what I mean by that is to "GoGoDuck it", but Google is faster to write 🙂

Best Regards there, too! 😉