
Finspreads & Stops

This has happened quite a bit to me recently (one day it happened 3 times on separate shares!!!) were a stop loss has been triggered when the price is nowhere near the stop loss.
They always apologise and put the tade back on but it's getting a bit of a pain
If it happens much more i will probably pack them in.
Is this common with Finspreads ?

yes i also had problems with fins,they started messing around with their stops and in general the whole site seems to have gone down hill ,i'm now using capital spreads and so far its been excellent . 😎
Thanks for that pmaa - i'll check Capital spreads out.
I already have a D4F account aswell - never had any problems with them.

Having a nasty, suspicious nature, I believe that FS, along with all SB companies have such sophisticated software that they can tell where most of their clients have their stops. This means that I have seen the price flash up or below certain levels in a milisecond. There is no way that anyone could open a trade but those in there find themselves stopped out.

Consequently, I do not use stops too close. Probably I am going to be told that this is a dangerous strategy. All I can say is that I trade at, what I consider to be, a safe level of £/Pt.

On the other hand, I have used closing stops on the profitable side and had pleasant surprises. Not too many, I admit, because I place them a fair distance to make getting stopped worthwhile.

What I would like to hear from you guys is, that I am too suspicious but I have an idea that you will not convince me. I do not think that it is a good idea to have stops unless they are very, very deep .
