Financial crises. The Facts. This is important for all of us.

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Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!
Alex Jones On International Press TV Discussing The Economic Implosion

Alex Jones joins a panel of experts on internationally broadcast Press TV to discuss the financial meltdown, the price of oil, inflation and the devaluation of the dollar, and how the bailout is a global consolidation of real assets and a centralization of economic power on behalf of the elite.
very good posts above, thanx both. The 5 part documentary is certainly very scary, particularly if all the facts are true, and certainly some of them are undisputable,...don't know about the rest (they may well be.)

I love a good conspiracy theory and it generally hangs together well. I doubt even Obama will try to do anything about the national scandal that is the Fed in the U.s. Eisenhower in his farewell speech after 2 terms as president warned about the undue influence of what he called the 'Military industrial complex.'

The concept of all power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely puts me in mind of the ridiculous paternal top down monarchial system we still endure here in the U.k, even labour prime ministers and ex cabinet ministers accept peerages, citing that they will change the establishment from within' yeh right!! It is said that all prime ministers fall in love with the Queen and the majesty of it all, and therefore don't try to change it when they get there even when they build a 'need for change' career/proposition in opposition, very little actually changes. Will Obama in the U.s be any different?? well the last truly transformational president was Kennedy and we know what happened to him. Would 'They' let him anyway.

In the U.k there really isn't a truly inspirational potentially transformational figure in the current crop or on the Horizon (Cameron god forbid, will be more of the same and Millerband really needs to learn not to look so much like an over eager sixth former to be taken anybit like seriously. As for the lib dem's Clegg,...let's not even go there.)

Thatcher was the last one, (like her or loathe her) .... a free market radical who hijacked a party down on it's luck and desperate for power again with an all encompassing economic not social ideology. That economic ideology has unwound somewhat in light of recent events. Blair similarly effected the same trick with labour, making it 'new again' with his constant references to modernity, but in the end, he didn't change much, save perhaps for a general softening of tone in society re tolerance etc. (Who can ever forget his 'let us re-order this world around us speech at the labour conference in 2004? was ridiculous then and absurd now)

I have often mused about the point made in the vids above about the public being bombarded with 'enetrtainment' to distract them from thinking, lest they ask awkward questions and demand real lasting change toward a more equitable settlement.

Good stuff.
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ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM from bittorrent. its the sequel to the movie these clips were taken from
ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM from bittorrent. its the sequel to the movie these clips were taken from

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