February Dow Competition Winner


We had 3 members all get 20 points this month, and one member who got 19 points, twiggytwo, also deserves special mention because of the fact that last Monday, the US was closed, and twiggyto put his trade on for the week for Monday night/Tuesday morning but consequently received 4 instead of 5 points. The rules don't currently state what should happen on a holiday (in terms of points), so until this is clarified unfortunately for twiggytwo the 4 points will stand.

The final results for the top 5 players were as follows:

flyer - 20 pts (5,5,5,5)
Gordon Geckon - 20 pts (10,5,0,5)
tradesmart - 20 pts (5,5,0,10)
twiggytwo - 18 pts (5,5,5,4)
Sharemister - 17 pts (5,0,10,2)

Since we can only have one winner and there are three players with equal points, the rules stipulate the winner is the player with the highest minimum score on any one week. This means that "flyer" is our winner for March since he correctly predicted the Dow direction four weeks in a row. Still, well done to Gordon Gecko and tradesmart for coming a close second.

Flyer, can look forward to a free book courtesy of Global Investor being delivered in the next few days.