Fading yourself

Um. If you fade yourself, don't you end up in an infinite loop? Bit like the buttered toast/cat paradox.

Roths right,

Taking a week off is no different to day traders stopping after reaching their daily loss limit, if your not in sync with the market or your setup isn't working in the current conditions then its definately the right thing to do.
Roths right,

Taking a week off is no different to day traders stopping after reaching their daily loss limit, if your not in sync with the market or your setup isn't working in the current conditions then its definately the right thing to do.

I realise that now. Just needed some sense, a fight and an anti-gravity cat to make me realise.
Robster, have a read of 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell.

: For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The Tipping Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive power of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell’s major claim is that decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decision made cautiously and deliberately. What we are actually doing is what Gladwell calls ‘thin-slicing’. When we leap to a decision or have a hunch our unconscious is sifting through the situation in front of us looking for a pattern, throwing out the irrelevant information and zeroing in on what really matters. Our unconscious mind is so good at this that it often delivers a better answer than more deliberate and protracted ways of thinking. Much of this is utterly mysterious but some of the most astonishing and useful examples of thin-slicing can be learned.

Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is interested in those moments when our instincts betray us, the situations where our powers of rapid cognition can go awry, where we fail to read the signs. Most disturbing of all is the degree to which culturally determined preconceptions and prejudices control us. Without reducing matters to racism and sexism Gladwell shows us that there are facts about people’s appearance—their size or shape or color or sex—that can trigger a very similar set of powerful associations which explains why utter mediocrities (such as U.S. President Warren Harding) can sometimes end up in positions of enormous responsibility; or why tall people earn substantially more than their shorter colleagues; or why car salesmen unconsciously charge prices according to race and gender.

When you are fading yourself, it's obviously necessary to know when to stop, otherwise you end up like ShadowNinja's cat. (Possibly related to Schrodinger's?)

I would have thought you only need to fade yourself successfully once to reset your subconcious. Well I guess it depends on your trading style. Maybe 1 day of fading yourself if you're a day trader.

I also agree with the week off, except for those who depend on trading for a living it can amount to a week off without pay. Not too easy to swallow when the bills keep coming in. Maybe a day or 2 in that case.


your cleary the amature here pal. why would you not take a week off when you will just sit there blowing your account while your head goes to pieces.

jesus why do i always attract the total ****in plebs wanting to challange me?

Pleb... Pleb... *jots down*

By summer's end I'll be British.