Experience with Signal Providers


Has anyone experience with signal providers? I saw this Comparison. I heard that Ayondo-Trader are certified (and just earn money for winning, not for losing) and that platform (no problems and delays) is technical far better that for example zulutrade. Do you have experience with that?
Has anyone experience with signal providers? I saw this Comparison. I heard that Ayondo-Trader are certified (and just earn money for winning, not for losing) and that platform (no problems and delays) is technical far better that for example zulutrade. Do you have experience with that?

My missus has experience with signals.

Usually i let one rip and she leaves the room.

I think she has the sixth sense now as when i lean to the left she's up and off........😆
My missus has experience with signals.

Usually i let one rip and she leaves the room.

I think she has the sixth sense now as when i lean to the left she's up and off........😆


signals of that quality will get you in the top ten of signal providers