Exercised and assignment


😱Hello my name is Kal I would like to ask the one that's considered as Pro traders
to answer a question for me any help would be greatly appreciated.
On 5/8/18 I Sold a -1 Vertical CALA 100 21 SEP18
10/7.5put @1.90ISE Then on 8/10/18 there was an Removal of option EXERCISED AND ASSIGNMENT
BOT 100shares CALA upond Assignment long 100shares@ 1,000 dollars and I was still in the option for the 7.5PUT Expiration then on 8/14/18 there was a phone
EXERCISED -1 CALA 100 21SEP18 [email protected]
Here's what the -1 put cost 2.10 with a net liquid of 3.10 so everyhing got closed/liquidated
This all was done due to a 580.00 margin call for being long the 100 share @10.00 dollars for $1,000
They said Because I didn't have my overrall account @ $2,000 This had to be done for the $580 margin call. I was also in seven other debit vertical trades with some in profits

P.S Can anyone tell me if this is something accurate and on the norm to happen
because I'm really confused.😱🙁😡