Excel : win/loss ratio


Senior member
Simple question, I just can't figure it out.

How can I get Excel to show me my exact win/loss ratio? (a bit anal I know but there you go)

ie cell one shows 6 winners

cell two shows 3 losers

cell three shows ratio of win/loss.

(not quite as simple as that but you get the idea)
Hi Rossored

It's winners divided by lossers, in this case 2. If you want it to appear as 2:1 then you need


Is this what your looking for?
erm you mean £ win/loss ratio?

so in your example, are you after 6/9 66%?

cell one
(cell one+cell two)

or are you after something else?
Thanks guys. Mark MSN'd me and I've got what I wanted:

=cell1/(cell1+cell2), then show as percentage.

Any idea how to return, in a new column, the number of consecutive wins in a row, and the number of consecutive losers in a row, from a column containing 1 (representing a win) and -1(representing a loss)? I want to see my biggest string of winners/losers, but the solution seems to be more complex than I first thought.

Where the column A is your 1 or -1 if win or loss, in column B put in this formula to count up the numbers of Winners. (The first row will reference the cell above +B1 in the formula below, this should be zero otherwise the formula can be copied down)


Use this for the loosers in column C


At the bottom of each column you can put in the following to give you the maximum number you're after.

Thanks, Tuffty. For some reason I was thinking of something far too complicated using the Analysis Toolpak, but you've broken the log jam and reminded me that simple is best 😆
Im trying to find out what would my win/loss ratio would be in both, percent & fraction formulas. At the moment my database has no informtion inputted.

This is the layout of it.

B5 has "Wins"
C5 Has "Losses"
D5 Has "Win/Loss ratio in Percent (%)"
E5 Has "Win/Loss ratio in fraction 🙂)"

Would appreciate all the help,
Thanks in advance.

Merry Christmas to all.

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