Excel trading (help needed)


Junior member
Could someone please help me with some excel formula?

I am trying to create a cell, that uses a reference from another cell that says "BUY". I need the cell to say that once this cell says "BUY", literally/theoretically, Buy one share, at price listed in Cell G21. i would continue and hold this until the cell in question says "SELL" then obviously it Sells. However, In the next cell i would need it to calculate the running profit/loss.

I would also need the cell to then change the system around so that once the long contract has been sold a short contract now comes into play, and visa versa.

I have a Moving Average cross-over system already in place and would love to be able to simply back test it.

If anyone would offer any help it would be much appreciated. Also the cross overs have different lengths i.e. 10v20, 20v50,50v100 etc. So would it be possible to weight them so that when the 10v20 cross over(10 above the 20) i buy say 5 shares say. When the 20 goes above the 50 i buy 20 shares and if the 50v100 does the same i buy 100 shares.

Any help would be much appreciated thanks.