Excel number of rows limitation - 65536 max


Experienced member
I'm using Excel from MS Office '95 - yes old as ages but until now I never needed anything else.

I have a huge amount of data with over 100,000 rows and I want to work with it in Excel.

I was going to ask if theres any free spreadsheet software I can use that will manage this, but I just found that Corel Quattro Pro has 1,000,000 rows and there's a free 30-day trial.

Does MS Excel 2050 or whatever it is now have more than 65536 yet?
I've got it - limit 65536 - or is my version out of date too? I only downloaded it this year.
It sucks

Just downloaded the 30-day trial and installed Quattro Pro.

I opened it up and checked, and there are 1,000,000 rows in the spreadsheet.

So I loaded up my data of 128,000 rows (cut and paste laboriously from NinjaTrader which will only export to Excel).

Then I selected the whole area and chose "Sort", and Quattro Pro crashed.

I hadn't saved the file first.

Not a great way to impress the prospective customer, methinks.
Isn't that more likely to be down to your hardware rather than the software?

I don't know. Why would it be my hardware? It can do that in Excel without crashing ever. The only difference is the amount of data. Even if memory's not enough, it's got the swap file to play with.
Newer Excels don't have this limit... Random example I have 2007 on this laptop and it supports more, I couldn't tell you when this came in... and yes it is a problem with your ****ty excel, sorry but you won't be able to extend it on that version.
Using MS Office '95 suggests you've got a very old box . . . buy a new one.
Yup, Excel 2007 and above have a stupid number of rows and columns but, seriously, if you find the 64k row limit a constraint then you should really look to be keeping the data in a database.
Thanksfor the info.

I've got a new machine actually I just didn't want to splash out on the latest version of Microsoft Office because up until now my 15 year old version was providing everything I needed.

I don't want to keep the data and I don't want to faff around configuring a database schema to put it in - although perhaps it would be easy enough in Access - I just don't know if I could get a chart out of Access like that.

In fact I do have a database with so much data in, the whole thing slowed down to a grinding halt. But it's not the right schema. I'm just trying to do something quickly, otherwise I would sit down and sort out that database - it's about time.
Excel to Access is very straightforward
Data into an access table can be cut and pasted in from an excel sheet.

Pretty sure you can't get a graph out of access, but then excel's charting capability (versions pre Office 2007) is totally ropey

If you wanted to "evaluate" <cough> a newer version of MS Office some people may suggest that you visit the software forum of www.warez-bb.og.
If someone in your family is in full-time education, you can buy a cut-price version of Office 2010 for about £60. Worth it.
No, seriously, it's worth it. That way you can get all the patches and updates - otherwise Office is just another stack of vulnerabilities.

But an earlier poster is right, the latest OpenOffice supports about 1m lines too (like Excel).
Yes I get your point, it's just I've got past that point now so my need for excel has been moved onto a back-burner. But thanks all the same.
No worries, apologies if I was insisting too much. I've been unable to close a trade in the past due to a virus killing my PC for an hour or two and tend to overreact on the side of caution.
Ouch! Sounds nasty. I don't do anything on my trading pc that I don't need to trade - I only download programs from IB or Java or NinjaTrader and I don't read email, so I reckon I'm safe on that front. Just had IB TWS crash for no apparent reason so I have enough instability to worry about without virus attacks.