Excel Formulas for Candlesticks


Established member
I am trying to formulate candlestick patterns on Excel for analysis of open/high/low/close data

I have identified formulas to use on other platforms and have tried to re-configure them to use on Excel without success.

I have obtained the formulas from:

I would like assistance with the formulas for bullish/bearish engulfings. I would like the formula to recognize a bullish/bearish engulfing with a (1,0) as a result in the appropriate column

Can anyone with better working knowledge assist me in converting the formulas to allow analysis of OHLC data using Excel.

Thank you for any assistance.
post up your spreadsheet and i'll have a diddle when I get a minute

Thank you for having a look.
I have attached a excel spreadsheet with basic OHLC data.
My attempts at converting the formulas was to follow them as they are set out on the website.

Hopefully you will be more successful

Appreciate your assistance


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edit: changed it to 1 and 0 for you and have sorted out the x axis on chart.

also the data I've charted only encompasses to row 37 in the series for test purposes. You'll have to edit the data source if you want to chart it all but there's so much data the chart will look sh*t.


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what are you using this for if you don't mind my asking?


I'm just going to have a look at some historical data using candlesticks engulfing initially, I may consider other bullish/bearish patterns as well. It will cover both absolute/relative data. Just looking for any bias that might be thrown up by the analysis...