Every hourly chart looks different - how come?


Junior member
As the title suggests, i have multiple hourly candlestick charts from different providers all supposedly using BATS and no two look the same. In fact many bars are bearish when on another they are bullish - what gives?

Here is an example:



All depends on the time zones from your broker

In fact all charts over 60 mins will always be different- the only charts all the way around the world that should be the same are from 1 min to 45 min - or if you have up to 55 mins

1 hr / 4 hr / 8 hr etc etc - you could have up to 4 different variations - ie depending if its London close or NY close or midnight Europe or midnight Asia etc etc.

That's one of the reasons why we all see things differently ;-))


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I'm glad its not just me, thought i was losing it!

I'm new to trading and i'm currently practicing identifying trends but this only seems worthwhile practice if i can actually apply it in the real world and for this, i would need to know that i'm looking at the same data as everybody else. So with this said then, do many people who trade intraday use 45 minutes charts then?
Looks like 30 minutes bars are inaccurate too (see below). These were form freestockcharts.com and tradingview.com - maybe i'm using less than accurate charts.

Any advice on where to get accurate intraday charts from would be greatly appreciated.
