Ever heard of QQQQ-options-trading.com?


I'm a newbie to this board and am new to options trading as well. I've taken a couple courses and learned enough know some terms and a few simple strategies. In dabbling in the market over the past 3 months I've lost some money but not my shirt. Had terrible luck when the market tanked on 2/27/07 but maybe that's a blessing in disguise. I've been looking for a good option trading service to try so I can perhaps make a small profit while I learn more about trading options and wondered if anyone had any recommendations.

I tried a service by Dr. J Najarian but was not overly impressed. It wasn't terrible but in retrospect I should have been wary as it did not post a performance record. In addition, I found it irritating that it tried to claim options it said it was just watching as successes later if they went up in value, even though it did not specifically recommend them at the time!

I've run across a service that I'm trying to find out more about. The address is in the title of this thread. Anyone ever heard of it or tried it? I'd appreciate any info you might have. God luck trading to all.

Depends on your time frame

I don't recommend Dr.J nor optionetics.
When it comes to options, I recommed services that Sell options for premium. My best luck has be coveredleaps.com - they are into diagonal spreads and also have a delta neutral service. They trade on large, slow moving stocks and have for objective to make cash month-after-month, not shoot for stellar capital gains.

WickedProfits.com is one that recommends credit spreads on indexes, so if you are US person and taxes are a concern, use this service. Index options are taxed like futures (60% long term gain/40% short term).

I have had miced results with OptionInvestor.com. Their naked put strategy is good, but not all brokers will let you sell naked puts in IRA's - you will need a margin account. I don't like their other services.

Hope this helps.
I'm a newbie to this board and am new to options trading as well. I've taken a couple courses and learned enough know some terms and a few simple strategies. In dabbling in the market over the past 3 months I've lost some money but not my shirt. Had terrible luck when the market tanked on 2/27/07 but maybe that's a blessing in disguise. I've been looking for a good option trading service to try so I can perhaps make a small profit while I learn more about trading options and wondered if anyone had any recommendations.

I tried a service by Dr. J Najarian but was not overly impressed. It wasn't terrible but in retrospect I should have been wary as it did not post a performance record. In addition, I found it irritating that it tried to claim options it said it was just watching as successes later if they went up in value, even though it did not specifically recommend them at the time!

I've run across a service that I'm trying to find out more about. The address is in the title of this thread. Anyone ever heard of it or tried it? I'd appreciate any info you might have. God luck trading to all.


This is so transparently an ad, it's laughable.

Why not be up front instead of writing a happy little fairy tale which always contains "Anybody heard of....." and "I tried(competitor)"

Capital Spreads and IB have their own threads.

You could too I'm sure....
gee - i guess I was conned

I come to these boards to research websites and see if their claims are true.
I meant no advertisement - I was just giving an opinion on sites that work for me.
I will make sure not to post a question like staghorn in the future.
I'm a newbie to this board and am new to options trading as well. I've taken a couple courses and learned enough know some terms and a few simple strategies. In dabbling in the market over the past 3 months I've lost some money but not my shirt. Had terrible luck when the market tanked on 2/27/07 but maybe that's a blessing in disguise. I've been looking for a good option trading service to try so I can perhaps make a small profit while I learn more about trading options and wondered if anyone had any recommendations.

I tried a service by Dr. J Najarian but was not overly impressed. It wasn't terrible but in retrospect I should have been wary as it did not post a performance record. In addition, I found it irritating that it tried to claim options it said it was just watching as successes later if they went up in value, even though it did not specifically recommend them at the time!

I've run across a service that I'm trying to find out more about. The address is in the title of this thread. Anyone ever heard of it or tried it? I'd appreciate any info you might have. God luck trading to all.

Hi Staghorn, Just wanted to say hi and let you know that I trade Q's options exclusively. Love to chat sometime! It can certainly be tough. Write me!