Ev lay bets Ham,Kemp,Be gracious in defeat, and humble in victory. By doing so, you


I hope you have all benefited from my selections over these past few weeks, I will not be posting any more selections, However If anyone is interested I am wiling to offer 2 people and I sincerely mean 2 people only my service, The cost for a year will be £1200 which I feel to be more than fair. You can contact me via [email protected], or my contact number is 07789400199.You will have seen that most of my winning selections have been odds on, If I wanted to give selections priced 4-1 and over I know I would have a strike rate around 99%.

Be Lucky folks

6:20 » Kempton Harting Hill, I really like QUIET MOUNTAIN not because hes won his last 2 race, because of the ease he won those races, I feel he is a improving horse,Hence lay bet H.H.
6:35 Hamilton El Dececy, Never won over today's distance(6F) Trainers record over today's distance 39-407

7:35 » Hamilton INDIAN SKIPPER
likely winner.TANGERINE TREES,

7:50 » Kempton ACTIVATE needs to find improvement to win, as his wins have been some what hard fought

8:05 » Hamilton BETTING FORECAST: 11/4 Jedi LAY BET
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