Euro 2016


Legendary member
Thought I would start a separate thread. It definitely isn't a family day out when the football hooligans start throwing rocks, bottles and chairs about.

From reports there were 150+ Russian hooligans rioting and not a single one was caught by the police. Are they blind or under orders I ask ? They did however manage to scrape a few England fans off the tarmac and arrest them.

Snatch squads could have rounded up dozens of rioters and put them away for the tournament at least in my opinion. Only a matter of time before someone is killed otherwise.
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Stunned that the police weren't was odds on that the militants were up,for trouble .....this event is only once in every few years and a great showplace for right wing national parties / gangs
"A suspended disqualification of the Russian national team from UEFA EURO 2016"
this disqualification is suspended until the end of the tournament."

yeah, that'll stop the riots.:rolleyes:

Here are the bookies odds


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One of the reasons I'm not a big fan of football, players ridiculously overpaid to chase a piece of leather full of air around a pitch, then they trip over a blade of grass and throw themselves on the floor in agony and into the mix the morons who call them fans who are there for nothing more than gang violence. Much prefer rugby, its a game for men not fairys like in football

If these pathetic excuses for humans are so keen on fighting, join a boxing club, trouble is, they will no longer "Mr Hardman" without the morons for support and they are likely to get a good pasting one on one in the ring. Moan over :cheesy:
One of the reasons I'm not a big fan of football, players ridiculously overpaid to chase a piece of leather full of air around a pitch, then they trip over a blade of grass and throw themselves on the floor in agony and into the mix the morons who call them fans who are there for nothing more than gang violence. Much prefer rugby, its a game for men not fairys like in football

If these pathetic excuses for humans are so keen on fighting, join a boxing club, trouble is, they will no longer "Mr Hardman" without the morons for support and they are likely to get a good pasting one on one in the ring. Moan over :cheesy:

rob did you have a bad lunch break :devilish: did one of the fairys get served before you :cheesy:
Make some dosh on these
Northern Ireland V. GERMANY
SPAIN V. Turkey
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England or Wales win the Euros 2016.

Would be a laugh as they walk out of the Euro door.

Heard a rumor that Wales will change it's name to Bales.
Obviously Northern Ireland loses to Germany. Turkey loses to Spain. The results are to be expected.