Establishment of a trading room in Sussex


Well-known member
Trading with Colleagues - East Sussex

A fellow trader and I have been considering the merits - or otherwise - of sharing an office from which to conduct our trading. We can see certain advantages, i.e. the sharing of ideas, information and technique; the sense that you are at a your place of work; reducing the sense of isolation etc.etc.

We are looking at an office tomorrow in Lewis, East Sussex, which can, from an early indication, accommodate four traders. The office has broadband facilities although we need to carry out some further detailed assessments on this issue in order to ensure that four traders will be able to trade effectively with the telecommunications infrastructure available and to what extent we have to upgrade.

Disadvantages? It costs more than to trade from home, although we are targeting serviced accommodation with inclusive costs e.g. rates, heating lighting etc.

The purpose of this post is twofold.

1. We should be very interested to hear whether there are similar groups of traders trading together away from their home premises, and to learn of their experiences both good and bad.

2. If there are any traders in the Brighton, Eastbourne, Lewis (generally East Sussex) area who may be interested in joining us perhaps you could PM me and one of us will get back to you. Cost? We will give you a rough idea in our reply.

Finally, expenses are shared equally and each trader trades for himself/herself.
There are two of us ( members of the BB) who are thinking of trading from a serviced office suite in Lewes, East Sussex, and the office we have in mind is equipped with the necessary modern infrastructure to facilitate broadband and the array of hardware that we require. The reasons for this are twofold:
1. It minimises the isolation that can be experienced by traders trading from home.
2. It is a useful platform from which to learn, as traders 'educate' one another and share thoughts, strategies etc.

Are there any traders in the Sussex area who may be interested in making up a foursome? The cost of the office rental and services (except telephone) will be in the region of £50 per month each.

Please PM me if you require any further information.

office rental and services (except telephone) will be in the region of £50 per month each.

That is very, very cheap office rental, I wouldn't be able to get a cubical in the local public convenience for that.
I think they are very anxious to fill the the few remaining offices. We have visited the offices and they are very comfortable with the necessary computer cabling, desks, chairs, blinds, telephones etc. The beauty of it is that the costs normally associated with running a private office are included in the rental, i.e. rates, fuel, lighting, receptionist etc. (Massage is extra!)

twalker said:
That is very, very cheap office rental, I wouldn't be able to get a cubical in the local public convenience for that.

Eh, at that sort of price you would want a toilet cubicle with broadband at least. Gives a whole new meaning to 'paper trading' !
