Equities to Forex


Hi guys

I've been equities trading for awhile now, while I'm always interested in improving my skill as a equities trader and refining my strategy - I'm also interest in having a 'dabble'in forex markets when equities markets are closed.

Just wondering, how different from equities trading is forex trading? How much of what I've learnt from trading equities can be translated over? Or will I be essentially better off forgetting everything and starting afresh?

Just a bit of a background:

I have day traded before in equities using pivote points and general support/resistance but this was a while ago.

Now I mainly trend and swing trade depending on market conditions. I am familiar with using moving averages, stochastics, rsi. I am currently also trying to incorporate chart patterns and some volume spread analysis into my trading.

My usual trading time frame is a week to a few weeks max so I guess time frame will be a big difference.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
As a technical trader, you'll probably have little problem shifting to forex. It will likely be more a question of understanding the leverage/margin side of things and learning the patterns of activity which happen through the day in different time zones.