EOD Gold and FX Data


Junior member
Hi all,

I am working with Metastock 10 and enjoy it's many features. I am about to get a little more serious but find that MetaStock EOD data does not update until about 10am next day [GMT+1] which is of little use to me [and anyone i guess]

I see a few data feeds out there but does anyone have some advice on a good source of quality data as well as some sort of automated process for collecting it like the system Metastock offers.

Many thanks.

eSignal On Demand


You should check out eSignal On Demand that not only gives you EOD data on 140 exchanges but intraday data at 1 minutes bars at any time of day or night. Software and stock, futures, and forex data all for $24.95.

eSignal OnDemand

Thanks Chuck.

I will check it out.

Following on from this, for whatever source i use - i need to get at least 6 years historic data.

THEN... i want to keep it in metastock format - and read / write to it from Excel. does anyone know good reliable tools to read/write Metastock data from Excel.


Premium Data also offers the data you seek, but it is stored locally in MetaStock format rather than on an on-demand basis, so you can convert it. The FX and Gold (futures) data is also convertible via programs that are supplied too with the data: Premium Forex and Premium Futures.

Other conversion programs are as follows:

If you have MetaStock, you can use "The Downloader" which is supplied with it to convert into Excel and/or CSV format.

A freeware conversion utility is available here that can do the same:
Mansoor Home Page
Thanks guys - both options look good.

I will also chase up different tools o import into Metastock as we share these DB's in Excel.

Anyone have any doubts about these data sources - hands up please.

Br Mv