EOD data vendor


Junior member
Looking for an EOD data vendor for US stocks, futures and FX including major European futures, with clean database, continuous futures and split adjustments and capability to automatically generate ascii text files at certain times of the day. Any suggestions from people that actually used the service will be of great value.

I subscribe to Paritech EOD (equities and futures) and have been very happy with the quality of the data. Of the things you need it doesn't have spot forex (obviously has forex futures), and the download programs don't have functions for automating the update process (although apparently the futures downloader can be set up to update through Windows Scheduler - but I've not tried this). If you can live without those, it's reliable data at a good price.

does the Paritech EOD equity data include US stocks and commodities? How much is it?
Pippppin said:
does the Paritech EOD equity data include US stocks and commodities? How much is it?
You subscribe to what you need and pay accordingly. UK equities, US equities and world futures are all seperate services - prices are on their website: http://www.paritech.co.uk/uk/products/data/default.asp

If you want more than one, and you give them a call, they'll probably take a bit off - they did for me at least, but I also bought some other software from them at the same time.
Tell me more, please

Jack o'Clubs said:
You subscribe to what you need and pay accordingly. UK equities, US equities and world futures are all seperate services - prices are on their website: http://www.paritech.co.uk/uk/products/data/default.asp

If you want more than one, and you give them a call, they'll probably take a bit off - they did for me at least, but I also bought some other software from them at the same time.
Hi all,

"If you want more than one, and you give them a call, they'll probably take a bit off - they did for me at least, but I also bought some other software from them at the same time" - could you expand a bit on that Jack o'Clubs, I also use Paritech and have got some interest in their US data.


Eduardo 🙂
I got a sub to all three for £300 (vs £380 individually), but I was also buying a grand of charting software from them at the same time, so not sure if they would offer the same discount if I had just been buying the data.
Jack o'Clubs said:
I got a sub to all three for £300 (vs £380 individually), but I was also buying a grand of charting software from them at the same time, so not sure if they would offer the same discount if I had just been buying the data.
I see; thank you, Jack o'Clubs.

Eduardo. 🙂
i use genesis data
very clean and excellent for commodities and futures i dont subscribe to stocks
as i can get that myself for free
this is the website but you have to buy their software trade navigator
see for yourselves
i pay $30 dollars a month approx but i also get forex and sector indices which they threw in at the time
dmilong said:
Looking for an EOD data vendor for US stocks, futures and FX including major European futures, with clean database, continuous futures and split adjustments and capability to automatically generate ascii text files at certain times of the day. Any suggestions from people that actually used the service will be of great value.


I am researching trend following commodity trading systems at the moment. I use csidata. I believe they are the cleanest, and provide a very flexable platform for determining the roll date of futures contracts.

I pay $45 per month (although I pay for 1 year at a time and get a discount) for the world futures markets (except LME which costs extra) of which I can form a portfolio of 69 markets as a maximum.


reuters data link is the easiest and best i've used , splits etc always sorted , which wasn't the case with eod esignal , may need metastock though.