Elliot Price Associates - do not use them


Junior member
I have been sold some US Logistical Support shares by Elliot Price Associates, based in Switzerland.

They spun me a line about wanting to develop a relationship with me, sold me the shares which I have subsequently found out to be schedule S , taken my money and now do not respond to emails or phone calls.

Through my own experience, do not use this company
Elliot Price Associates

TaliesinUK said:
I have been sold some US Logistical Support shares by Elliot Price Associates, based in Switzerland.

They spun me a line about wanting to develop a relationship with me, sold me the shares which I have subsequently found out to be schedule S , taken my money and now do not respond to emails or phone calls.

Through my own experience, do not use this company

I have also been sold some shares by Elliot Price Associates in Switzerland, and like you they have to date not responded to my e-mails or contacted me. For me it was quite a bit of money.

TaliesinUK, Jennifer,

I was approached by Elliot Price as well.
And also for USGL !!

They phoned me saying how good they were, and were interested in building a blah, blah blah.
No pressure.

Then, a few days later, Paul Smith, phoned up saying, what-do-ya-know, thye had a stock. USGL.
It was supposed to be a long-term investment, at least a year.

I looked at BigCharts, and declined.
Reason: shares trading at low prices. ( relatively large bid-ask spread )
Average Volume of 20,000 ( open to manipulation from pump-and-dump merchants )
Also, not a "big" company, so couldnt do research on them quickly.

They wanted me to spend around £5,000. On ONE company!! Are they mad !

Anyway, this the email they sent me:

Dear Mr. xxxxx,

Hopefully this mail has reached you in good time

Thank you for showing interest in Elliot Price & Associates.

We have attached a link to our website and encourage you to review the
information which is provided there.


Elliot Price & Associates has a long history in the International marketplace.

We specialize in the equity Markets. Whether you are a small, medium or institutional
investor we have a specialized program that works for you.

Elliot Price & Associates consultants are versed in all aspects of the International
Marketplace. Whether it is the Big Board of the U.S. Markets to The Hang
Sang in Hong Kong you can be assured that your representative will have
a tailored plan for you.

In the coming days our team of experts will be contacting you so please have any

questions at hand so we can assist you with the best possible scenario to fit your needs.

At Elliot Price & Associates we strive to assure our clients the integrity they deserve.

Thank you for your interest,

Paul Smith

Elliot Price & Associates
0041 15803281

[email protected]

Overall, best avoided.
Elliot Price Associates

I too bought some shares and I cannot get a response from either Elliot Price Associates or the company I believe I have bought shares into. I really don't know what has happened to my money or indeed if it has any value at all. Can you suggest anything.


TaliesinUK said:
I have been sold some US Logistical Support shares by Elliot Price Associates, based in Switzerland.

They spun me a line about wanting to develop a relationship with me, sold me the shares which I have subsequently found out to be schedule S , taken my money and now do not respond to emails or phone calls.

Through my own experience, do not use this company
Just had Hilton Advisory in Munich wanting me to sign up to them by buying Avitech Life Sciences [AVLS] stock so that they could sell my Logistical Support shares at a 'profit'. LS shares are now de-registered and I am fairly sure I was conned originally - so assume that this is a follow up con.