EL code for elder impulse system


Looking for EL code for elder impulse system. please post a link or code. your help will be much appreciated.
thanks and regards.
I think you need to understand:

1) This is not a site that has a large number of traders who use Tradestation

2) Of those that do I have never come across anyone who uses Elder Impulse Indicators

3) You have only given 7 hours to get a reply which is nothing like long enough

4) As of 5.00pm BST only 15 people had read this thread and as you have posted twice that reduces the number to a maximum of 13 other people who may have read this.

It would be best to give a lot more time but I suspect you will not find anyone who has what you want but I hope I am proved wrong 🙂

no big deal.
this is the code for a paint bar study !! no indicator

input: len(13), FastMA(13),SlowMA(22),MacdMA(9);

Value1 = (MACD(Close,FastMA,SlowMA));
Value2 = (XAverage(MACD(Close,FastMA,SlowMA),MacdMA));
Value3 = Value1-Value2;
value4 = xaverage(close,len);

if value4 > value4[1] and value3 > value3[1] then color = green
else if value4 < value4[1] and value3 < value3[1] then color = red
else color = cyan;

plotpb(h,l,o,c,"PB", color);
Hi Karla,
Thank you very much. I am delighted and I have imported the same into
my tradestation software and that too sucessfully. I was indeed looking it for
paintbar and nothing else. Thank you again.

hope sustains life and karla has proved you wrong.😆
hope sustains life and karla has proved you wrong.

I am more than happy to be proved wrong and pleased you have found what you wanted 🙂

newtrader 22

Maybe if you find you need code help you might be as well to look at tradestation forums - dedicated to easy language with thousands of users?
Trade2Win is great but it's not really the best place for this.
There is tons of elder stuff on there if you search.
Wrong forum

This is an easy language issue - better on the TS Forum.
however is it because your native symbol colour is green? Try say white or black or your background colour.
Format symbol- style- color
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