Education through Live Trading Rooms


Hi everyone,

First post here at T2W.

I am looking at joining a live trading room for futures. I have done a quick google search but I was hoping to get some more in depth reviews from people like yourself.

So far the top one on my list is at

the free videos looks good and the set ups seem fairly coherent. but you never know.

does anyone have any experience with these guys?

or any other sites?

In my opinion live trading rooms just make you steer away from your own beliefs and trading plan. It gets tempting to take a trade that someone else suggests and then watch it go against you. Then who do u blame? Idk. Just my opinion. I'm sure it can be used as a learning tool to some degree.
In my opinion live trading rooms just make you steer away from your own beliefs and trading plan. It gets tempting to take a trade that someone else suggests and then watch it go against you. Then who do u blame? Idk. Just my opinion. I'm sure it can be used as a learning tool to some degree.

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