Easy-to-use and cheap charting & trading tool for IB



I’ve spent some time to find an easy to start trading software and just would like to share the results of my research with all of you.

So, here are the tools I’ve been looking at:

NeoTicker charting tool is separated into modules so it’s difficult to use it, especially for those who are new in trading like me. TeleChart Platinum is about $100 per month that's a bit expensive i think. I’ve been trying to see some video tutorials on ButtonTrader but they were posted 5 years ago, a little long time ago i think. Also i could not understand if they offer to download market data from their website every 2 weeks and then install it manually without any automation. I found Sierra Chart is also very difficult to use, it's not user-friendly at all. And I found 1st-Profit that is really easy to use, both charting and trading. So, I’ve set my choice on 1st-Profit.
Has anyone heard about it? It is tailored to IB only but it’s very easy to place orders and trade, good charting capabilities and it’s cheap. I’ve created my own security base very quickly because they provide adding securities right from IB website and I was already familiar with it. Worth a look.