Easy Money


Active member
Thought I'd join the band wagon give me something to look back on when I'm 20.

Ill start this on Tuesday, trading futures only. 6E,CL,DAX,ES and occasionally Gold.(GC)

Ill try and get some videos up to accompany and explain anything anyone doesn't understand.

For some signals mainly in the DAX I'll be using the Trend Capture system. (I have no financial stake there) Just like the DAX model.

Will be happy with about 200-500 a day.

how did your live trading room go? i popped for a bit in to see. I think I posted a comment on that thread.

Thought I'd join the band wagon give me something to look back on when I'm 20.

Ill start this on Tuesday, trading futures only. 6E,CL,DAX,ES and occasionally Gold.(GC)

Ill try and get some videos up to accompany and explain anything anyone doesn't understand.

For some signals mainly in the DAX I'll be using the Trend Capture system. (I have no financial stake there) Just like the DAX model.

Will be happy with about 200-500 a day.


Look back on when you're 20!!! B****rd
how did your live trading room go? i popped for a bit in to see. I think I posted a comment on that thread.


Had about 6 or 7, it was poorly engineered by me. Something with audio would be much better as I think you said.

But really who wants to watch someone else trade? I dont know why I thought that would be a success. So I think this will be better instead of 95% waiting and 5% trades, ill cut it right down with posting a couple of vids from the day if I can see a set-up in time. Or regardless I might just put up a re-cap of the day trades taken etc.

@ "Look back on when you're 20!!! B****rd"


Ok so I thought I would trade the DAX a little bit considering how quiet it is..

Took 2 trades +187 for my trouble, went long at 7080.5 sold at 1085. Short at 7085 out at 7082.

Chart included, I am also short cl at 90.91



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This mornings trades only one on DAX I had to leave early so sadly I left a target on, and looking at where it is at now its cringe worthy.

Ill take some ES trades later as well as some others



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Ok this evening I took one ES trade

I did not think it would go all the way 1295, but oh well better than nothing.



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**** today was crazy lol

Caught an 8 pointer on the ES,

Here the account summary.

Went short on the ES at 1278.5 out at 1270.25, also caught a plus +600 on 6e going short. Took a bit of a hit on CL and Gold.



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Had quite an interesting 2011/2012.

Start trading again in 2013. Will open an acc with $5,000. I had to withdraw from trading before due to real life commitments. Those in the past looking forward to 2013.

Will update this nearer the 8th with my plan etc/

Stay tuned
call them at flashes thread........no offence but statements mean nothing to me

call them at flashes thread........no offence but statements mean nothing to me


Well first off you will be pleased to know this thread is not dedicated to you. Nor to any one individual. Its good practice to keep a record, I choose to keep it here and share it, and unless I am asked to remove it then I will continue to do so.
As the new year is fastly approaching I wanted to share resources of which I have found useful. Each of these I have read,currently reading or watched.

There are 3 webinars by discovery trading group done through Market Delta, all 3 of these are a great bearing for anyone. There free and can be found through market delta or discovery trading group's website.

I'm highly keen on the Traders Almanac I only use the commodity one which covers futures,options as well as ETF's. You can use it as a diary, there is an edition for stock traders as well.

For economics there are lectures by Robert Shiller on youtube and quite easy to watch mostly for general information, its on the channel by Yale University.

I am really keen on market auction process as well as volume profile. This is really nice to view through Market Delta. Great visualizations.

For Books,
Reminisces of stock operates:Jesse Livermore/Laureston
More money than God: Sabastian Mallaby
Trading for a Living: Alexander Elder
Come into my trading room
The Taylor Trading Technique: George Douglass Taylor
Trade Like Jesse Livermore :Richard Smitten
Peter Steidlmayer - Steidlmayer on Markets. A New Approach to Trading
Market Wizard series

This list probably misses a lot of the more well known materials, and there are some others that I have read but I find the above the more prominent.

Mydailypivots is also a great resource. The CME website has a lot of good stuff to and I like to look at settlement reports as well as the COT.

Anyway, just something I thought I would type this weekend. I will work this journal by , pre open plan,trades taken, end of day results and screen shorts of charts etc.

I travel a bit, and have other rl commitments so I can only trade certain parts of the day. Nevertheless heres to a good 2013~
Looking for a close up on this bar and im long.
ES 55 breaks on open 55 higher or shorting


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Looking for a close up on this bar and im long.
ES 55 breaks on open 55 higher or shorting

Bars lit up and 55 hit, dropping to one lot at 55, so +1pt banked.
Out -.75
running total today +.25


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Had an overnight short come in, placed on yesterdays high 56.75, closed out on waking +4 points.



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