EA done, scalps your daily needs


Active member
Hey Folks, I have finally finished my EA.

Uses 1 indicator to trigger trades, and uses 1 inidicator that needs watched, to adjust to the market conditions.

We all know, an EA that is 100% handsfree, Is not what it seems.

Am i going to say this is perfect, ummmm, well, maybe..

Easily makes 300 trades, all in profit.. Want 500 pips, it can be done, want 100 pips, like taking candy from a Baby..😴

Having a good strat is half the battle, to make it big time, a money Managment plan must be also put into action.

I have both.

You want to make 3Million in 10 months?

How about 3million by June 2011?

I very well be able to make that happen for you.

I will post some backtest, ( even tho they are crap) but proves a bunch..

Stay Tuned. Will have them up today for your enjoyment,

Not the EA, of course, :clover:
Nov 9th 09:24- Nov12th 23:00 ( $500 starting bank, @ 0.5 )

Enormous profit for 1 day but this will fail over time. Drawdown is too high.
maximum drawdown is 65.65%?
For a scalping ea?
I applaud your efforts but PLEASE don't trade this with real money.

Sorry but this appears to be a load of sh1t. How can you have 300 total trades, 300 winners and 65% drawdown????
because of the lot size, its extream.. $500 @ .5 lot size,

I did it to prove a point, thats all, here is another that might be more realistic

3.17 % DD Nov 9th 10:42--Nov 9th 20:29 (10 hours)

1.41%DD Nov 9th 13:54- Nov9th 22:10 (9hours)

2.72%DD From Nov. 11th 15:30- Nov. 12th, 08:00
just because someone has pointed out the horrendous drawdown, you then proceed to post charts with small drawdowns. You are curve-fitting to the needs of the respondents, rather than saying "hell yea! 65% is what it takes".

Note also the "100% shorts won" or "100% longs won", which shows its an averaging in type of system, which trades only in one direction. Until of course the direction changes.

You are also grabbing small profits. Look at the "profit per trade" column. Its 5.12 pips on your first chart, 1.04 pips on your second, and 1 pip on your last.
Show a chart where the direction changes and you have a mix of buys and sells, so we can gauge the stop-loss you have set when you are gunning for those 1 pippers. assuming you ever take a hit.

nice exercise for Sunday morning.

Hello, GlenGary, i've been lurking on this forum since Sept, and i've been following all of your posts every since OCT 1, when you introduced yourself. Why? Because starting out fresh without any experience you were scalping the market like a pro...like a Forex Prodigy. Like someone i could emulate. So i've been trading the strategy you posted (the heiken indis and trend indi) I haven't traded much manually, because i'm in the Navy and i rarely have time. Anyway when i seen that you perfected your EA, i could no longer sit back and watch. I created this account just today, so i could ask for a copy of your EA. I'm willing to pay for it if your selling, no problem. If so please email me at [email protected] . Thanks for reading!
just because someone has pointed out the horrendous drawdown, you then proceed to post charts with small drawdowns. You are curve-fitting to the needs of the respondents, rather than saying "hell yea! 65% is what it takes".

Note also the "100% shorts won" or "100% longs won", which shows its an averaging in type of system, which trades only in one direction. Until of course the direction changes.

You are also grabbing small profits. Look at the "profit per trade" column. Its 5.12 pips on your first chart, 1.04 pips on your second, and 1 pip on your last.
Show a chart where the direction changes and you have a mix of buys and sells, so we can gauge the stop-loss you have set when you are gunning for those 1 pippers. assuming you ever take a hit.

nice exercise for Sunday morning.


Good Morning Trendi,

First off, thanks for the input..

Second, my entire system runs off the trend, with scalping small pips, with a daily target or so many pips, which, can be set before placing the EA on the chart.

Im not looking to get 300-400-500 pips, I just need a certain amount per day.

100 pips a day is great for my system, and easy to accomplish CONSISTANTLY, day after day. Mixed with compounding profits, and adjusting lots, at certain account amounts.

50 pips is cake, which, was more original plan.. So, do I risk more, and go for 100 pips, or just take the candy at 50 pips,

Trendi, just for your veiwing pleasure, bud, this chart has what you wanted, BUT, it runs the risk factor, to a higher degree, and we want to not have that added risk, but, its possible, just not advisable.. I didnt want to have those lagging trades, cause, I DONT USE A STOPLOSS, and a direction change will drown your account, but USDCHF, is about the only pair, that i can work, OK,..


50 pips x 5 days a week1= $250 @ .10 balance $500
50 pips x 5 days a week2= $250 @ .10 balance $750
50 pips x 5 days a week3= $250 @ .10 balance $1000
50 pips x 5 days a week4= $250 @ .10 balance $1250
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $250 @ .10 balance $1500
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $250 @ .10 balance $1750
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $250 @ .10 balance $2000
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $250 @ .10 balance $2250
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $625 @ .25 balance $2875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $625 @ .25 balance $3500
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $625 @ .25 balance $4125
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $625 @ .25 balance $4750
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .25 balance $5375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .50 balance $6375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .50 balance $7375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .50 balance $8375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .50 balance $9375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $1000 @ .50 balance $10,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $2500 @ 1.00 balance $12,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $2500 @ 1.00 balance $15,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $2500 @ 1.00 balance $17,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $2500 @ 1.00 balance $20,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $5000 @ 2.00 balance $25,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $5000 @ 2.00 balance $29,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $7500 @ 3.00 balance $36,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $7500 @ 3.00 balance $44,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $10,000 @ 4.00 balance $54,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $12,500 @ 5.00 balance $66,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $15,000 @ 6.00 balance $81,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $20,000 @ 8.00 balance $101,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $25,000 @ 10.00 balance $126,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $30,000 @ 12.00 balance $156,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $37,500 @ 15.00 balance $194,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $47,500 @ 19.00 balance $241,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $60,000 @ 24.00 balance $301,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $75,000 @ 30.00 balance $376,875
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $92,500 @ 37.00 balance $469,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $115,000 @ 46.00 balance $584,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $145,000 @ 58.00 balance $729,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $180,000 @ 72.00 balance $909,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $225,000 @ 90.00 balance $1,134,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $275,000 @ 110.00 balance $1,409,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $350,000 @ 140.00 balance $1,759,375
50 pips x 5 days a week1= $425,000 @ 170.00 balance $2,184,375

Is it possible, sure, but you have to have the marbles to KEEP WITH THE SYSTEM, and make it happen.

And, this is starting with $250, so your out $250, or you gain a couple million, and thats if you stop at that, when you can carry on, take half your account, and start the process at you account level..

Thanks for the input, look forward to your response..

Great profits to you this week, and take care..
Hello, GlenGary, i've been lurking on this forum since Sept, and i've been following all of your posts every since OCT 1, when you introduced yourself. Why? Because starting out fresh without any experience you were scalping the market like a pro...like a Forex Prodigy. Like someone i could emulate. So i've been trading the strategy you posted (the heiken indis and trend indi) I haven't traded much manually, because i'm in the Navy and i rarely have time. Anyway when i seen that you perfected your EA, i could no longer sit back and watch. I created this account just today, so i could ask for a copy of your EA. I'm willing to pay for it if your selling, no problem. If so please email me at [email protected] . Thanks for reading!

Good morning businessguy09,

Thanks for the interest,

Hang tight, I might have a change of heart.. Depends on if the Browns win or not,lol...

just kidding, Im getting things together, but very busy, and hope to have it ready for everyone before the fun kicks off tonight
Hello, GlenGary, i've been lurking on this forum since Sept, and i've been following all of your posts every since OCT 1, when you introduced yourself. Why? Because starting out fresh without any experience you were scalping the market like a pro...like a Forex Prodigy. Like someone i could emulate. So i've been trading the strategy you posted (the heiken indis and trend indi) I haven't traded much manually, because i'm in the Navy and i rarely have time. Anyway when i seen that you perfected your EA, i could no longer sit back and watch. I created this account just today, so i could ask for a copy of your EA. I'm willing to pay for it if your selling, no problem. If so please email me at [email protected] . Thanks for reading!

Ha ha Ha Ha😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆. thats one of the best posts ive ever read
do you think we are all silly.your first posts and you recommend this😆😆😆😆😆
You are in for a shock if you do believe these results are true. You will certainly be using info that is available in the back test but wouldn't be available in real time.

As your results are either all long trades or all short trades then my bet is you are trading based on some higher level time frame info that is available due to the faults in the way MT4 does back testing modelling.

Run it live and post your results if you want anyone to take you seriously. I can easily come up with an EA to do this - but it wouldn't work in anything but backtests.
Ha ha Ha Ha😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆. thats one of the best posts ive ever read
do you think we are all silly.your first posts and you recommend this😆😆😆😆😆

I don't recall recommending anything? This was my personal message to GlenGary, besides i've learned my lesson about listening to everything people say in the forums. Did you know that Bruce Lee philosophy was to *gather as much information as possible then discard that you don't need.* Somewhere along those lines. Well, i think i have enough sense to follow his advice. Everybody else can criticize this guy and his thread, meanwhile i hope to be making money from his Amazing system!
Ha ha Ha Ha😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆. thats one of the best posts ive ever read
do you think we are all silly.your first posts and you recommend this😆😆😆😆😆

Good morning businessguy09,

Thanks for the interest,

Hang tight, I might have a change of heart.. Depends on if the Browns win or not,lol...

just kidding, Im getting things together, but very busy, and hope to have it ready for everyone before the fun kicks off tonight

Ok thank you
Hey Folks, I have finally finished my EA.

Uses 1 indicator to trigger trades, and uses 1 inidicator that needs watched, to adjust to the market conditions.

We all know, an EA that is 100% handsfree, Is not what it seems.

Am i going to say this is perfect, ummmm, well, maybe..

Easily makes 300 trades, all in profit.. Want 500 pips, it can be done, want 100 pips, like taking candy from a Baby..😴

Having a good strat is half the battle, to make it big time, a money Managment plan must be also put into action.

I have both.

You want to make 3Million in 10 months?

How about 3million by June 2011?

I very well be able to make that happen for you.

I will post some backtest, ( even tho they are crap) but proves a bunch..

Stay Tuned. Will have them up today for your enjoyment,

Not the EA, of course, :clover:
Dear sir

How could i get this EA