E-mini trading education


Active member
I've been looking at trading the dow e-mini & the australian asx indices. Can anyone out there recommend some good - easy to understand and follow - education building a system in this area?

I've been looking at trading the dow e-mini & the australian asx indices. Can anyone out there recommend some good - easy to understand and follow - education building a system in this area?



I use price action on 1 minute charts to trade the e mini DOW. I think there are quite a few people teaching various price action systems, I signed up to the james16group website for a couple of months and that was more than enough to learn what I needed to know. It only costs $150 or something per month, theres no need to spend thousands on some of the systems or courses that you see advertised.
I've been looking at trading the dow e-mini & the australian asx indices. Can anyone out there recommend some good - easy to understand and follow - education building a system in this area?


Hi sunnywan, i would recommend you to trade the Emini-YM,its a good place to start and each tick is worth 5usd.So u can start without having a heartrate above 150 😆

If you like i posted a very simple system that i am using on the YM and with great success, its very simple and its very self explainatory.But just ask if there anything u dont understand, and u can also use it other marked, dont matter.

U will find the post in the daytrading/scalping area.

The other thing u can do is to go true all the free system that are posted in this forum and take use of that, and modify system to you own personal trading style.
Just a word of warning, the YM and all other usa markeds are very volatile so be carefull when trading them, or wait a week or so until get calmer.

Good luck to you.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

If I could make one recommendation- Do not buy software! Personally, I've spent over 20k on software only to find out they're all worthless. The only way to become consistently profitable is to focus on your own trading structure. I've written a few blog posts that could help you. Feel free to check it out here: Blog of Chris Dunn

All my best,

Chris Dunn

If I could make one recommendation- Do not buy software! Personally, I've spent over 20k on software only to find out they're all worthless. The only way to become consistently profitable is to focus on your own trading structure. I've written a few blog posts that could help you. Feel free to check it out here: Blog of Chris Dunn

All my best,

Chris Dunn


I couldnt agree more, I didnt spend anywhere near as much as you but my experience was exactly the same, utterly useless. It was only when I started reading about price action that I made any progress.


I couldnt agree more, I didnt spend anywhere near as much as you but my experience was exactly the same, utterly useless. It was only when I started reading about price action that I made any progress.


Yep... there are a ton of indicators out there. All a trader needs is an understanding of price action, a way to determine targets, and maybe a momentum indicator.

Personally, I like Fibonacci retracements and extensions, MACD, and Bollinger bands.

Chris Dunn
Blog of Chris Dunn
Just find something that works and keeping doing it until it stops working. Too easy.
Just find something that works and keeping doing it until it stops working. Too easy.

How long do you find each of your systems work for until they stop working? How long does it take you to find 'something that works' each time?
Newb here, but I've been trading options and futures for 24 years now. Looks like a nice site yall got here!

I keep it simple. Fib Fans and trend lines. I confirm the st trend with MACD and RSI, looking for divergences.

Best LT indicator I've come up with is a 200 and 360 day SMA. Watch for them to cross into and out of BB's.
I definitely agree with you guys about trading software. I never recommend anyone pay money for software. For the most part software vendors are failed traders imo. I run a futures trading education site, and recommend free software in the room. I don't use the normal indicators like stochastic or macd, because in my mind they are lagging for what I trade. I would say if you are trying to find an education system do some research on what you want to trade with timeframe, and that will narrow down your choices. Hope that helps 🙂