Dumbest Question EVER!!


Junior member

Probably my first & last post here because I know this is the DUMBEST, most stupidest question out here and displays very little gumption, but here I go.....

I have an interview at a prop firm. I know from experience, that most traders in these places are very scruffy, smart casual at best.

So, do I wear a suit or smart/casual?

Normally I'd wear a suit without question, but I have been in situations before where I have worn a suit and the other person has been in jeans and t-shirt and I feel very awkward.

What do you people think from your own experience at interview?




better to be over-dressed, rather than under-dressed.

if they turn you down for being too smart, then they arent worth working for, IMHO.

good luck with the interview though.

JohnDoe said:
....this is the DUMBEST, most stupidest question <snip>
Seconded FC

A smart turn out demonstrates both respect and that you regard the occasion as important. If you're 'marked down' for it then you are probably best not getting involved with them anyway IMHO
Think probabilities and risk reward 😉

high probablility of suit dressing. Low prob of jeans.
Damage done if turn up in jeans and they are in suits = high
Damage done if turn up in suit and they are in jeans = low if any..

JohnDoe said:

Probably my first & last post here because I know this is the DUMBEST, most stupidest question out here and displays very little gumption, but here I go.....

I have an interview at a prop firm. I know from experience, that most traders in these places are very scruffy, smart casual at best.

So, do I wear a suit or smart/casual?

Normally I'd wear a suit without question, but I have been in situations before where I have worn a suit and the other person has been in jeans and t-shirt and I feel very awkward.

What do you people think from your own experience at interview?


Dress as you would expect an interviewee to if you were conducting the interview.
I'm sure you've thought of this already, but draw up a list of what you would ask in their position and have the answers you would hope for ready.
Why do you want this job with this company?
What can you offer us?
Why should we give you the job?
Why did you leave your last job?
What are your weaknesses?
And so on.
Be aware of your body language - don't wring your hands or fold or your arms or touch your face etc.
And be ready for psychometric tests.
And don't suggest anything you ask is dumb, do appear capable and willing to learn.
why not touch your face? im curious..
i agree folding arms and wringing hands implies nerves (surely understandable) and apprehension. but what does touching your face imply?

what if you have hay-fever? or a big bogey?

if anything, i think enthusiasm, a smile, and bit of flirting and a general air of intelligence should see you through.

simple eh?

depends what you do
touching mouth and nose is a no-no
likewise hand over mouth, scratching head, etc
stroking chin isn't bad

" flirting"?
Mmmmm....................rather dangerous I would have thought
but hey what do I know, I've been self employed since 1978.
But I have employed a few people and a man "flirting" with me would get terminated PDQ!
An attractive woman flirting with me might be different, though I know she would only want me for my body.
Her pay would certainly be performance related.
FetteredChinos said:
what if you have hay-fever? or a big bogey?



Can I send you a bill for the damage done by the beer I've just spat on my keyboard?

Mr. Charts said:
" flirting"?
Mmmmm....................rather dangerous I would have thought
but hey what do I know, I've been self employed since 1978.
But I have employed a few people and a man "flirting" with me would get terminated PDQ!
An attractive woman flirting with me might be different, though I know she would only want me for my body.
Her pay would certainly be performance related.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Lets be serious about this! Go in dressed as a world war 2 German Nazi officer, take a swig of your vodka and tell the person who is interviewing you that you love his/her mother, sit down and relax with the sound knowledge that at least you have made an impression on him/her? Hope this helps. RB....P.S. I tried it once and got the job as a fair ground operative...i operated the big wheel at the time.