Dukascopy - Good or Bad


Hi guys

I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with Dukascopy?
I'm considering opening an account with them, but have some concerns.
While on paper they appear to be excellent, they're background, size and history seem shady.

I'm only interested in trading with an ECN broker, so if anyone has any experience with the following other brokers I'd appreciate any comments:
1. Currenex
2. Hotspotfx
3. Lava
4. Interactive Brokers
5. MB trading

Thanks guys

FWIW Hotspot have been bought by FXCM, unles you take the institutional package.
Hi guys

I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with Dukascopy?
I'm considering opening an account with them, but have some concerns.
While on paper they appear to be excellent, they're background, size and history seem shady.

I'm only interested in trading with an ECN broker, so if anyone has any experience with the following other brokers I'd appreciate any comments:
1. Currenex
2. Hotspotfx
3. Lava
4. Interactive Brokers
5. MB trading

Thanks guys

I traded with dukascopy for about 5 months and i never had any problems with them, they paid on time and customer service was good, after saying all that i must say that i did close my account for the same reasons you stated, something just didn't feel right even tho they did nothing wrong, any way try pfgbest.com they are a big broker in the u.s.a. and they have a pretty good currenex set-up, thats who i trade with now, IB is good but they have a bad platform. good luck
Currenex is quite good by if you have the choice go with autobahnFX or MorganDirect
What kind of margin/leverage do you get at morgandirect? thanks

it depends what kind of business are you running.

if you are a retail just dont even bother of what i said. if you are institutional depending oon your size you can negotiate