Drinks London 6th Feb


Established member
Hi All,

The MF has a regular meet every first Wednesday of the month at the Green Man opposite Great Portland Street tube station. I don't get to go often but I will be there in Feb.

When you arrive go to the down stairs bar. And to the left at the bottom of the stairs. Weeze and I should be there from 7-30/7-45 ish.

Would be great to meet some of you!

Hi All,

Well the 19 of you who read the original post anyway 🙂

I've made this offer on TMF but no-one seems interested so I'll try here.

I have a spare manual for AIQ which I would be happy to give to anyone who wants to collect it from me at the social, it would be heavy to post and getting out to the post office is a hassle I would rather avoid with two small children. It would be useful to have if you get the demo to try, you will get much more out of the trial that way.

Just a thought (and an excuse to gently remind you about next week too!).