Dow Predator's blog

Dow Predator

Junior member
The Way To Trade for a Living

How to become a Trader
You only need to master one trading setup to be a consistently profitable trader.

Screen time will allow you to master one setup.

After you have mastered one setup "own it " you can add another setup.

This can be an ongoing process developing your own style.

The best setup to begin with is the one that you see and understand easiest. If you are forcing yourself to learn a setup because you believe another person is successful using it you may be taking the longer route to profitability.
We are all different . Our brains and personalities will gravitate to different setups. This is also true of exit techniques.
Most traders I hear from lengthen their road to profitability by trying to apply too many concepts before owning the first one.
They have studied a myriad of techniques but have yet to master any. This allows them to talk about trading but unable to consistently trade profitably.
The first decision to make is; do you desire to be a counter trend trader? or a with the trend trader? Eventually, you can be both.
At the beginning, or a new beginning perhaps, you will do best choosing to master a setup and follow the trend.
If you have been at this game for awhile and are not yet consistently profitable you know what I am saying is correct.

This site contains trading techniques and setups with the intent that it will aid you in creating "your" trading style.
My personal trading style is a combination of various styles and setups. I trust this website will be an exercise in my personal understanding of my own style allowing all to benefit.


A great site to learn the best trading setups is

A great fellow runs this free website for all to see and learn.