Dow Comp Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharky
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 2


It's been a troubled start to this month's Dow Competition. Unfortunately, the competition didn't rollover automatically on Monday as it should have done and subsequently a manual rollover in the middle of the week meant that only a few points were up for grads, plus "last friday's close" quote was wrong, and hence the 'lower, 'same' and 'higher' levels were also incorrect.

I've now fixed the problems, and recalculated whether your entries are lower, same or higher based on these - taking the actual end of week point prediction as more important. Apologies to anyone playing tactically who may have chosen their poin predictions based on the levels quoted.

Hopefully next month's rollover will run a lot more smoothly!
Sharky said:
It's been a troubled start to this month's Dow Competition. Unfortunately, the competition didn't rollover automatically on Monday as it should have done and subsequently a manual rollover in the middle of the week meant that only a few points were up for grads, plus "last friday's close" quote was wrong, and hence the 'lower, 'same' and 'higher' levels were also incorrect.

I've now fixed the problems, and recalculated whether your entries are lower, same or higher based on these - taking the actual end of week point prediction as more important. Apologies to anyone playing tactically who may have chosen their poin predictions based on the levels quoted.

Hopefully next month's rollover will run a lot more smoothly!

Hi Paul ,
who was last weeks winner as I thought C / V had won ?
regards :!:
I'll post these now on another thread (they were also listed in the newsletter we sent out last night).
I've now corrected the problem with the Dow Competition this week. Rather than starting Week 1 of a new competition, this week will be Week 4 of the current competition. It seems the problem was we skipped Week 2, hence results of Week 3 are now Week 2, and results of Week 4 are now Week 3... Still following? I hope so, suffice to say everything is now fine.
Hmm, well that is a bit of a problem.... I thought the comp had finished and wasn't going to enter it for the next month...
Now I find it hadn't but I am second but now missed the chance of getting my entry in on time with the possible 5 points! 🙁