Does it not bother you?


Junior member
Does it bother you that high regulatory bodies does not have the power to shut a broker down for continuous scam/fraudulent practices? Look what happened to Liberty Reserve, which is the true meaning of what regulation means.

Forex regulatory bodies are no part of government and does not have the power to even close down a broker. If this is the case, then why should we really put our faith in regulation? Reading some posts about regulation on this forum has really brought these questions to my mind. Now your opinion is needed. What do you as a trader know about regulation.
Yep. And not just forex! I know a few people who made a lot of money at the expense of others selling fine wines as an investment. The company itself went into liquidation, investors lost everything.
"thats why I trade with Profi****"
I don't of course but call me a cynic i see this coming from one of the clowns
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Doesn't bother me at all. My business is trading and making my money; you can't really beat these unregulated guys at their game, just avoid them
Doesn't bother me at all. My business is trading and making my money; you can't really beat these unregulated guys at their game, just avoid them

You do not seem to understand my question. Why don't you read very well before replying.