Does anyone trade with a 2:1 Risk/Reward ratio?


Junior member
Hi guys,

After I reviewed my trades of the past months, I found out, that ~ 90% of my trades hit the 20 pip profit target. When realizing this, I started to trade this way and last three months were very profitable for me. Here is how February looks like so far and how it WOULD look like, if I were trading the "old" way (btw, I trade only EUR/USD and USD/CHF):

1) If I would use a 40 pip pip-by-pip Trailing Stop Loss after entering my trades, I would end up with 20 pips in profit so far.
2) If I would use a 40 pip pip-by-pip TSL's and a 40 pip Profit Target, I would end up with 148 pips in profit so far.
3) If I would use a a 40 pip pip-by-pip TSL's and close my trades "manually", I would en up with 188 pips in profit so far.
4) And because I used 40 pip pip-by-pip TSL's and I had a 20 pip PT, I ended up with 248 pips in profit.

Out of 15 trades, 14 were profitable, which is a 94% success rate. I trade from H4 and H1 TF's only and I get about one or two trading signals each day (but not trading them all).

Anyway, I just wonder, if anyone else is trading like this and if this could be a viable long-term strategy? Trading this way I ended January with 240 pips in profit and December with 310 pips.

I am a bit confused, because almost no-one is promoting this style of trading and yet, it is by FAR the most efficient way for me.

The funny thing is, that when I started trading forex, I traded this way and found success quite fast. But then I started reading books/articles which promoted 1:2, 1:3 and higher risk reward ratios and started to trade that way. This is when my success rate dropped badly and profits were hard to made.

I also realize, that my theoretical break even point is at 67% success rate, the "true" BE probably at 70%, but chasing only 20 pips at a time is 85%+ of the time a successful endeavor. And because I use pip-by-pip Trailing Stop Losses instead of fixed stop losses, my actual RR mostly drops from 2:1 to 1,5:1 or even 1:1.

I would much appreciate your thoughts on this kind of trading. Thanks!

If your hit rate is above your 70% BE then it's fine.

For the past few months it was, yes. I've made all kinds of possible scenarios (setting profit targets at 25, 30 and 40 pips, while having a 40 pip TSL in place) based on my actual trades and I always came to the same conclusion - 20 pip profits get hit all the time and it is by far the most profitable strategy for me.

I was thinking on lowering my trailing stop loss to 30 pips just to "improve" my Risk/Reward ratio, but that most probably would not be a viable strategy - it would leave way to little room for my trades to develop.

Anyway, just thinking out loud and wondering if anyone else is trading like this. 🙂 Btw, I don't use any indicators - just trendlines and S&R.