Does anyone trade options via spread betting firms?


Junior member
I was wondering if someone can verify whether I got my equations right because spread bet options seem to be rather different to normal american style options:

Premium required for Buying an Option regardless whether its a Call or Put=

latest quoted ask price x trade size

Profit/Loss if an Option is bought regardless whether its a Call or Put =

(latest quoted sell price - ask price bought at) x trade size

Premium required for Buying an Option regardless whether its a Call or Put =

latest underlying instrument price x margin factor x trade size

Profit/Loss if an Option is shorted regardless whether its a Call or Put=

(sell price bought at - latest quoted ask price) x trade size

What really confuses me is the Profit/Loss for selling options. It should be the premium received but apparently you have to sell to close the option at the latest quoted sell price to profit.