Do you think you are smarter than the market?


Active member

This is what happens when you don't follow the rules and
actually "think" you are smarter than the market!!
No not all of the time 😉

Free advice 1 (borrowed) - A man may beat a stock or group at a certain time, but no man living can beat the stock market.

Free advice 2 - short DOW to 530
It is not a matter of being smarter than the market, it is a matter of not doing the wrong things.
Markets are not smart or otherwise, they just "are".
No, but I'm smart enough to how unsmart I really am and that gives me a huge headstart over most people I have met 😉
reminds me of the joke about 2 men in the jungle coming across a hungry lion.
both freeze, and look at the lion.
the lion looks at them.
then one of the men starts to put on his running shoes, and lacing them up.
the other guy says "hey. you cant out-run that hungry lion".
the first man replies "I dont have to out-tun the hungry lion. I only have to out-run YOU".

you cannot be smarter than the market, since you are part of it.
all you can do is be smarter than most of the other participants of the market.
🙂 🙂 🙂