Do you think it's wiser to invest in genome sequencing or space tourism?


say if you have $1M or so - what industry would you consider a better alternative: space tourism or DNA sequencing? A few more details to compare:

DNA sequencing:
cost: around $5000, prices dropping rapidly.
Usage: predict some diseases, determine heredity, usable to improve your lifestyle or create orphan drugs.
Safety: generally...harmless and safe.

Space tourism:
cost: cheapest is $200k for a sub orbital spaceflight.
Usage: fun...
Safety: obviously you can die if something goes wrong and your money might end up in a scammer or you can experience huge delays until the "launch date is just around the corner".
I believe Buffet does not invest in aero flight or medical companies.
Space travel is definitely more fun, try Richard Branson.
Id rather stick the lot on the dog with the black and white jacket running in lane 6 at Sheffield dog track in the 7:20 next wednesday. But if I had to make a choice, since I'm fed up with the traffic, fed up with the cars I'll gonna swap it for a rocket and go to the stars.

Goldie Lookin' Chain - Spaceman - YouTube