Do traders get paid on Zulutrade?

Busy Trader

I am a consistent trader who wants to earn some extra income while helping others make money. I am thinking about joining Zulutrade to allow others follow my trades. Do these social trading sites actually pay their traders commissions consistently?
Yes but if you want to maximise your profit start a signal brand yourself.
Yes but if you want to maximise your profit start a signal brand yourself.
I actually thought about this. How would I go about doing it? Can I get signal buyers on the MT4 platform and such or, preferrably, create my own website. But if I do the latter, how would I provide the signals in real time? Considering trading is very time-sensitive, there has to be a way to communicate the trades to the signal followers in real time. Perhaps use a messaging service to accomplish this?

[QUOTE = "Busy Trader, publicación: 3115589, miembro: 590316"]
En realidad pensé en esto. ¿Cómo voy a hacerlo? ¿Puedo conseguir compradores de señal en la plataforma MT4 y, tal vez, crear mi propio sitio web? Pero si hago esto último, ¿cómo proporcionaría las señales en tiempo real? Teniendo en cuenta que el comercio es muy sensible al tiempo, tiene que haber una manera de comunicar los intercambios a los seguidores de la señal en tiempo real. ¿Quizás usar un servicio de mensajería para lograr esto?

by telegram maybe
Yes try Zulu and anyone can see just how good you are.
A courier ? Probably not. Carrier pigeons are a bit unreliable lol
I was looking into this about a year ago and saw lots of negative feedback from traders who hadn't been paid, so I decided to steer clear. I'm interested to hear how you get on!

I affirm! I have not been paid a commission!
Please, where can I read about the reviews zulutrade?