Direct Access Elite (


Legendary member
I'm demoing this lot's DA front-end and I know I'm a newbie to NASDAQ LII and all that good stuff, but...


Pulled up the Level II screen for Yahoo and I am totally blown away by the speed those trades are moving.

Have I picked a particularly 'active' stock? Maybe it's just beginners nerves, but even after training with 'the man', I reckon there's going to be a long-ish burn-in period before I'm used to looking at things moving at this speed.

Does/did everyone else feel like that when they first started?
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It is all quite normal for Nasdaq stocks and some people find it a bit too active for them. You will get used to it though if you persevere.

Any particular reason you have gone for DAE ?

I really like DAE's software. I demo'd it a while ago. I love trading directly through the L2 screen aswell. Do you trade directly on the L2 screen Paul, or just use it to time your entry and quickly place your trade using another platform?

I think that DAE have changed their commissions and now say that they have a number of different pricing schemes to fit your needs.

There is a software fee i think though.
No reason for DAE - I'm just looking at what options are available to me before I settle on one I'm comfortable with.

I'm pretty much convinced IB are the brokers to use, it's just the front-end. I've yet to look at TS or Realtick, but there so many to check out. Even just based on t2w users recommendations it doesn't narrow it down much.

Can I ask in demo mode on DAE - I assume the data on the L2 screen is delayed?

Also, comparing L2 through IB and utilising smart order routing at $1 a trade up to 500 shares and via a DA screen such as DAE at $13 a trade. Can someone explain the advantage of a DA screen trade?

Is it size / timing ?

Hope that makes sense bit new at this 🙂


It is not $1 per trade but $1 per 100 shares traded up to 500 shares and after that it is $0.50 per 100 shares traded.

So as an example, to Buy 400 shares will cost you $4 to buy and $4 to sell making a total cost of $8 per round turn.

But to Buy say 1000 shares costs (500 x 0.01) + (500 x 0.05) = $7.50 and the same to sell so making $15 a round trip.

The advantage of the DAE is that you can transact directly with whoever is displayed on the screen just by clicking on them and then trading. There are other advantages but I have to say that I have found IB to be excellent and as I dont want to have to hold an account with a base currency in USD, I will stick with IB.


I use IB.

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the data is in realtime, but i was told that they track your IP address to stop people keep using the demo for free data and will report you if the same IP address is used more than once.

I wonder how much DAelite would chage for a roundtrip of 100 shares a time. They say that they are willing to set prices based on each individuals trading frequency, stryle size etc..