difficult to find a job


Junior member
Hi Everyone

how to get a job? I had been working at a Hedge fund to develop trading strategies and protfolio optimization for 10 month. It was my first job after my PhD. However, I quit the job two month ago since I hadn't been full paid (the HF's performance has been below high-water mark for 2 years).

I'm now working at a Marketing Research company but I'm still trying to find a chance to go back financial industry. However, it seems that no one's interested in me (a strategist who has only 10 month working experience), although my trading system works well. Additionally, no Investment bank wants me since they think my experience isn't relevant to their business.

very sad 🙁
What is your degree in?
What was the subject of your dissertation?
What country do you live in?
my system can still keep stably generating profits for me. But my capital size is very small. the profits are not enoughto make a living. should I write a book, or something, just like you to build a reputation. 🙂
I've got a PhD in Operational Research.

My dissertation was about time series modelling, forecasting model and control system.

And I'm living in London, Uk.
I've got a PhD in Operational Research.

My dissertation was about time series modelling, forecasting model and control system.

And I'm living in London, Uk.

You clearly have academic credentials exceeding that of most of us.

Without knowing your trader skills or your financial situation, here are some thoughts.
  1. Teaching is a good way to learn to communicate. And finding a job is primarily a maketing and communicating effort. I've hired nearly a hunded people in my career and the ones that were the best communicators were the most productive, even when they were hired for their technical skills.
  2. Write some articles and get them published. There are lots of venues these days for getting articles published. Refering to articles in your cv or resume is a great way to get a potential employer's attention.
  3. Write some articles, a short book or a long book and become an Amazon.com affiliate. Lots of people not only generate nice income that way, but get a good reputation that way and career opportunities may just find you.
Although this may sound prescriptive, its goal is to get you to think outside of the box. The best opportunities I've had were unconventional. Something sounded like fun, so I did it. Sometimes through an employer, sometimes on my own.