Differing OHLC values


Junior member

Could anybody explain why it is that the OHLC values vary between the various data providers?
Take , for instance , the following (rounded off) values for the Dow Jones :

Date Provider Open High Low Close

7th Sept 04 Quantigma 10321 10363 10279 10341
Bigcharts 10307 10389 10256 10343

25th Oct 04 Quantigma 9743 9777 9708 9750
Bigcharts 9741 9827 9660 9750

Although the differences are not huge, and the Close values are usually very similar, my question is : why should there be any difference at all? And which one is "correct"? (sorry thats two questions).

The point of my query is that, say two people are using the same stratagy (fibonacci ratios for instance) for triggering an entry /exit point, but one uses the Quantima charts and the other uses the Bigcharts charts. One person might well find himself in a trade whilst the other has has not entered at all, leaving one feeling that the stratagy is the greatest thing since sliced bread and the other thinking he's been sold a pup.

Any advice on this would be gratefully received .

Dow Jones index is just an indicative value

Dow stocks do not open up all at the same time

Highs and Lows are dependent of how and when the calculation is made

Open and Close values depend on what time these are taken
premarket open - open - open of all stocks
close or close +15minutes

if you want clean prices use futures
