Different versions of Tom William's book


Junior member

Are there a number of differences between versions of Tom William's books?

The latest version seems to be Master the Markets, but an ealier version is the Hidden Secrets.

Is it worth getting the earlier version (if for no other eason than to be shed of the ads for Tradeguider)?


Are there a number of differences between versions of Tom William's books?

The latest version seems to be Master the Markets, but an ealier version is the Hidden Secrets.

Is it worth getting the earlier version (if for no other eason than to be shed of the ads for Tradeguider)?


Master the Markets is just a TradeGuider rehash of The Hidden Secrets. The content is much the same, but TradeGuider changed the charts to the current version of TG in Master the Markets. The book is also slightly edited in other parts, but the message is much the same in both books.

I like The Hidden Secrets better as it has some nice parts where Tom works through different charts, bar by bar, to show you how VSA works in practice. I think TG removed all of these in Master the Markets.

So, if you have Master the Markets there is no real need to get The Hidden Secrets, but if you can choose between the two, pick the original 🙂
WHat is the full name of this book please? I cannot find "hidden secrets" book for Tom William. Thanks

WHat is the full name of this book please? I cannot find "hidden secrets" book for Tom William. Thanks


It's The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market by Tom Williams. Whether it's worth $100 or not, particularly given its brevity, is another subject. There are free pdfs of it floating around (just Google the title), and I don't know whether Williams cares or not since finding the book is not the easiest task, and one is tempted to suggest that the book either be easier to obtain or given away.

But beyond all that, the "secrets" are hardly that to anyone who's studied price action and its relationship to volume. VSATrader's threads will tell you pretty much everything that's in Williams' book and for nothing.
Agree with DB's assessment.

I will say that the older version is MUCH better than the newer Master the Markets versions. These later versions are little more than ads for TradeGuider software, and much of Williams' point-by-point trade analysis has been eliminated.

If I were a conspiracy buff I'd say it's because anyone taking the time to learn to understand Williams' (and VSAtrader and DB's) work would see that trading software is unnecessary...
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It's easy to discard those who don't have the commercial knack to capitalise on their original and valid thoughts.

But I'd rather pay £100 for genuine and original insight than $30 for regurgiated second-hand text...