Deutsch Bank's trading method - 53,000+ pips from 2001 - 2012 - who is in?


I purchased this trading system (results document attached) from a banker with a good amount of my savings kept as trading capital. I am asking for only 4 or 5 traders who would like to share the cost of this highly profitable and time tested trading method with me at a much lower price.

In summary, I am selling this to enable me restore my capital to resume trading ASAP. We can also trade together in real-time via Skype or any other suitable IM. If you are seriously interested, send me a private message or email nyamonthenet at with your questions and let's trade.

Happy holidays y'all...


53,000 pips over 12 years.
Thats 4417 pips per year.
However, the trading is over 22 currencies.
That averages to around 200 pips per currency per year.
Which is around 17 pips per month per currency.

How many of the currencies are correlated?

What is the largest aggregate drawdown over the 12 years?
What is the average time that trade is kept open? (These days, I prefer the longer plays rather than frantic intra-day stuff)

How much you asking for? (do you accept magic beans as currency?)

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53,000 pips over 12 years.
Thats 4417 pips per year.
However, the trading is over 22 currencies.
That averages to around 200 pips per currency per year.
Which is around 17 pips per month per currency.

How many of the currencies are correlated?

What is the largest aggregate drawdown over the 12 years?
What is the average time that trade is kept open? (These days, I prefer the longer plays rather than frantic intra-day stuff)

How much you asking for? (do you accept magic beans as currency?)


Interesting comments and with regards to DB - it just shows how bad they are at trading ;-)

I very much appreciate if you are dealing with billions and you have consistency of an average 4400 pips a year - just on a say half a million dollars a pip - its billions of profit.

But for a retail trader - an average 4400 pips a year - ie just approx 100 pips a week if you include holidays etc.

100 pips a week and 400 pips a month consistently is OK - but hardly good ?

If you average the movements on the main currency pairs - on daily ATR's on say 240 trading days a year you are talking 24- 25000 pips a year on just one pair and on all movements over say 5 pips then total is easily over 35000 pips - per pair - per annum.( yes that many)

So for the automated guys with great systems ( ie not the $199 ones ;-) ) they should be looking at 20 -30% of these totals - ie somewhere between 6000 and 11000 pips per pair per year.- Not like DB's 200 -250 pips per pair per annum

For full time manual traders averaging only 8 hrs a day ( although the key 8 hrs of the 24 hr trading day ) we are not going to be catching all movements - but still 6000 to 10,000 pips of one pair you might major on is still possible and is nothing special at all if you trade 2 to 4 currency pairs a day.

To actually have to trade a large number of pairs ie 20+ is just so inefficient - but there again typical of commercial investment type trading.

Commercial Forex Trading and Retail Forex Trading are just "chalk and cheese" - ie different ball games played with different rules

I would not be interested at all with any Bank method - as it would just not live up to my own particular methods - designed specifically for trading with accounts under 100k or quarter a million maximum.

However - If I do have a £20 or 50 million capital account in the next 10 years - then over to the commercial ball game - and I might then think even at £50 grand DB and other banks methods make a lot of sense


Is this not proprietary information from Deutsche Bank that is being offered for sale on this thread? If so, is that not illegal under UK law? The disparaging comment regarding DB's trading is also to my mind inappropriate.
To be clear I have no affiliation with this bank, however I trust site moderators will step in here.

You may well be correct regarding its legality - but if its just there performance figures on different currency pairs over the last 12 years - then that could be said to be open information and found in their account details at Companies House.

With regards to DB - I have no affiliation with any bank that trades the currency market. However I feel it is important to point out that DB along with many other large financial institutions are currently being investigated by the UK's Serious Fraud Squad with regards to manipulation at the London Exchange.

Until proven guilty in a court of law - you have to assume they are innocent like all the other banks involved - but as far as I am concerned - I don't like them - I don't trust them - and think they are devious etc etc - similar to the other players in the market;-)

One large institution with the initials of GS - stand head and shoulders above the other players in terms of "double dealing" and they were one of the reasons Lehman Bros collapsed in 2008/9 - losing me a very large amount of monies ( 100's of k) - so that's another reason why I don't like them - but I am sure they are all really nice chap's with hearts of gold ( sic)


The problem is that these results mean absolutely nothing. It's not like there's anything magical about them Deutsche peeps. They have just as many muppets working there, which could mean that this "system" is a waste of time.
What numpty would use all their money to buy a trading system only to have none left to trade with?

Having had a spell at DB I can tell you now they don't trade "systems".

This is all made up by the poster trying to con you out of a bit of money.
What numpty would use all their money to buy a trading system only to have none left to trade with?

Having had a spell at DB I can tell you now they don't trade "systems".

This is all made up by the poster trying to con you out of a bit of money.

You question the numptyness of members here??
There's always a better numpty just around the corner.

What numpty would use all their money to buy a trading system only to have none left to trade with?

Having had a spell at DB I can tell you now they don't trade "systems".

This is all made up by the poster trying to con you out of a bit of money.

Nice one mate !
