Details requested: Oak Futures

Jim Funman

A good friend has just told me they have got an interview with the prop firm Oak Futures. Can't find any real details online, don't think they have been up and running long.

Anyone know the set up? How is the training structured?

I'm worried they are just going to ask him for a few grand in training fees and see if he cuts the mustard. He'll be fine if he chooses to go down that route but I wanted to know if he'd be better off keeping his money and just continuing to trade his own account. Basically, do they offer real training with an eye on the long term or just throw as many candidates as possible in the water and pick up the ones that come back to the surface?

Any details gratefully received. Thanks in advance for any sage words of wisdom I can pass off as my own!

Oak Futures Trainee Trader Program is aimed at all types of individuals trying to break in to trading the Energy markets. We do not charge anyone and our training is continuous for at least six months based on the ability of the trainee. Anyone participating on the OFTTP does so cost free for the individual. We currently have 15 trainees on our books and all I am sure will testify to our professionalism and diligence towards helping traders progress rather than hinder them with unneccassary charges and false promises.

For more information contact [email protected]
Is there here any trader of Oak Futures? They seem a legit prop firm.
I'd like to read some opinion about them.
Is it free to join, like TowerHillTrading? I've been making about $1K a day in /CL trading S&R, but don't feel like paying $5K for some snake oil education and rubbage combine.