cz4802 said:
what to do you have to do to set up a BACS transfer to OANDA. They don't mention this on their website.
Its true there is no mention on the site... in fact i think it only works in the UK since the bank is in the uk and a chaps is pretty much a bacs that doesn't sit in a slush fund for 3 days and costs you...
I basically asked on the oanda forum and then did it.. I know of at least 3 others after me that have done it this way with no probs... i said in my post, don't mind if i have to pay to get it out if theres plenty in there but my £100 starting pot isn't coming back out one way or another
I too was not happy at the prospect o paying £25 to transfer £100 in to the account but hey thats not an issue.
Instructions to follow....
1) Click on GBP accounts and a window a popup appears. At the bottom there is a section entitled......
Domestic Payments via CHAPS
Bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, London (CHASGB2L)
Sort Code: 60-92-42
Complete representation of Domestic Account: 32282902
It says CHAPS but you can create a BACS transfer from your favorites highstreet internet bank online usually under the heading "make a payment to someone" or something like that.. ...whatever you'd use to put money into your grandmothers account
The key details to put in your normal online bank payment thingy are....
Sort Code: 60-92-42
Account Number: 32282902
Your Reference:
username accountnumber
2) Fill in the FXTrade Wire Transfer Form which is on the same page as the link provided.
I managed to apply for an account on a tuesday, fax ID and start money transfer on wednessday, and the account was funded on friday...
all in all pretty easy.
Do it you know you want too.