Deleting Charts


Senior member
Has anyone had problems deleting unwanted charts in Sierra?
for instance, I've moved from H to M on IB and Sierra for ES. I've deleted it on IB but it's still updating in Sierra, which I've also tried to delete. So, what's the best way to delete please?
I must have missed something 🙄
Not sure what you mean oatman?

Can you still see the Chart? If it's in a Chartbook, I think you just close the individual chart with the 'X', then save the Chartbook?

If you mean the file is still updating, have you deleted it from your Intraday update list?

I'm no expert yet though, so this could be complete rubbish :cheesy:


For instance, I put in SNDK.MND.MND by mistake. I can't remember how many times I've rt clicked and deleted. Also it's not in the Intraday list.
Oaty, I know exactly what you mean, and I've had the same problem in the past.

In the end, I got rid of the file/s by opening windows explorer, going to the C:\SierraCharts\data folder, and manually deleting the files I no longer wanted.

Hope this helps mate.

OK thanks rosso, that makes sense.
Do you know if you can delete data between to times?
Dont think you can delete data between the times mate.

CM, as for next year - I rename the file from YM200403ECBOT to YM200406ECBOT (example) anyway, to keep the data continous. Hence, not a lot of need for keeping it for next year :cheesy:

I found this site somewhere.

Has a couple of very nice looking utilities, one to convert .mnd to text, the other to 'glue' .mnd's together. You can edit the text files to get rid of the dates you don't want, then convert back to .mnd.

