declare your positions- 24th Nov


Legendary member
Ok so a new week presents itself with new opportunities............I just hope I keep my profitable run because once I loose on a trade it all goes pear shaped.

Anyway I went long this morning especially with the mega rally on wall street on Friday & the temporary relief of Citi group rescue over weekend. I have just closed position for 100 point profit and I am done for the day as hit daily profit target. .........I have to admit I was surpised with FTSE opening up weak in proportion to Dow Jones violent move up on Friday........

This little rally will fade away just like every other rally in past few weeks, but buying on oversold bounces seems to be working just fine at present so i will carry on with strategy this week until I get my fingers burnt.

anyway I'm off to the gym to burn a few calories & then i might put them back on when i go watch that new film "Body of lies", anybody seen it yet?

over and out amigos
Been long since last week, happy days here M8. will be taking a holliday soon. My postings are in the other thread 'here we go again'
All done 4030 and 8289 all closed for loads of Dosh 🙂

Been adding to this postion hense the large profit .....
Didn't have time to answer earlier -

1. long FTSE100 through buy order from Thursday evening - 3-day unfilled gap reversal
2. long FTSE100 this am as swing trade as we broke Friday's high
3. there was also the opportunity for a long on the FTSE as a 60-min opening range reversal - I missed this through being in a meeting: note that this only appeared on my SB tick chart, the FTSE chart on ADVFN did not give this signal.

Two winners and 1 winner missed. If only all days were like this.
Is confused a position? 🙂

Flat. Think the news today was received too positively, but not going to try fighting the market on this.