Dead Cat Bounce

It's a bear market until it proves it isn't. I've been a shorter since before summer. The more I do, then the more I can take it when I'm wrong.

Correction. I haven't done much during this last couple of weeks--too hectic. As the coppers say in the best crime novels, "I'm getting too old for this s**t". 😀

Today we have a typical dead cat bounce scenario. At time of writing the FTSE has risen then bounced off a top of 4106. Sell now from here, FTSE could go as low as 1700 in theory. See this article BBC NEWS | Business | How low can the stock market go?

Poor kitty...are you suggesting this dead cat bounced up ..hit some kind of ceiling at 4106 and is now bouncing down again 😱 it must be in a right old state by now !
Poor kitty...are you suggesting this dead cat bounced up ..hit some kind of ceiling at 4106 and is now bouncing down again 😱 it must be in a right old state by now !

Well I was right, but of course like most cats this one has more than one life and it has bounced up again !