Daytraders - Timemanagement


Hello guys, I'm stuck at the very first step of trading and would appreciate help. What I need help with is simply Timemanagement which I personally think should have its own headline within the trading business, cause it is quite importaint don't you think?

Anyways, my marketbelieves goes straight towards daytrading. This is how I want to trade and it's also the way I know the markets, I basically feel comfortable within this timeframe. Also, it matches my psychology which makes it all set n' done.

So, my question, to yall daytraders, how much time do you need to spend with the market everyday ? (analyzing charts, trade, positionmanagement, analyzing your journal etc..) I'm a student at the moment and haven't been able to start up this business yet because of.. yeah, time.. 😕

I'm thinking in the terms of: Trading session > Lifestyle

I want this so badly and I will make it work, with more or less sacrifises. So daytraders, what's the time needed each day ?
Hello guys, I'm stuck at the very first step of trading and would appreciate help. What I need help with is simply Timemanagement which I personally think should have its own headline within the trading business, cause it is quite importaint don't you think?

Anyways, my marketbelieves goes straight towards daytrading. This is how I want to trade and it's also the way I know the markets, I basically feel comfortable within this timeframe. Also, it matches my psychology which makes it all set n' done.

So, my question, to yall daytraders, how much time do you need to spend with the market everyday ? (analyzing charts, trade, positionmanagement, analyzing your journal etc..) I'm a student at the moment and haven't been able to start up this business yet because of.. yeah, time.. 😕

I'm thinking in the terms of: Trading session > Lifestyle

I want this so badly and I will make it work, with more or less sacrifises. So daytraders, what's the time needed each day ?

Until you are extremely proficient you will need to be sat at your screen all day, every day. You should expect to make nothing, a profit or a loss for your efforts.
Then that's what I'll do. To be honest I knew the answer. It's obvious. With consistent exposure to the markets comes experience, that combined with a trading journal is the slow, step by step way to successful trading. Thank you New_Trader.

"How I wish that there were more
Than the twenty-four hours in the day.."

- Elvis presley - Viva las vegas